Adapta Colorpack
Modified version of Adapta Theme by Adapta Project
This theme use the ideia of Adapta Colorpack created by Ivankra, the main objective of this theme is the correction of missing things in stock and Ivankra version!
Modifications in relation of Ivanka and stock version
- Open app indicators have been added to the cinnamon dashboard!
- The parts were corrected with dark chromium colors, in light themes, such as the close tab button and create a new tab!
- Some icons of the gtk-2.0, gtk-3.0 and gtk-3.22 interfaces are with selection colors according to the theme!
- Standardization of white and dark tones in the theme!
- The color of the selection in cinnamon has a strong tone, in the menu, with selection of favorites, categories and apps, and, in the panel, with the selection of instances of apps!
- New visual for close button in gtk-3.0, gtk-3.22, metacity and xfwm4!
- The theme now use the system font(In cinnamon and gnome! Where to use a roboto and sans font, not fonts used throughout the system!)!
- Correction in the colors of the panel, its buttons and colors in the lougout window, for xfce 4.14!
- New layout for Popup menus in gnome!
- Fixed double X button(button for close aplication) in open aplications in activies in Gnome!
Suported DEs(Click to see the preview in some interface)
Avaliable colors
- Blue
- Blue Grey
- Cyan
- Amber
- Deep Orange
- Teal
- Indigo
- Green
- Red
- Purple
- Grey
- Lime
- Pink
- Brown
- Deep Purple
- Orange
- LightBlue
- LightGreen
For Xfce4 and Mate users, use the eta or nokto-eta versions of themes!
For Xfce 4.14 user, disable the option "Show flat buttons" in window button, in panel!
For MATE users, to have a non-transparent panel, use color #13191C!
Ratings & Comments
10 10 the best
10 Excellent ! THANKS !!
10 Very good, I got bored of cyan, and green fits for Linux Mint
A minus point: confirmation button on dangerous action should better be highlighted in read (like in Arc-Dark-SLATE, or Nordic themes).
I'll fix this button, it was an implementation made by me, but I ended up losing the desire to use it! I'm already making a version without this button!
8 Need some screenshots. The choice is confusing. I guess Nokto meams dark, Eta means "a bit more compact". Like the Nockto-Eta version. But unfortunately Teal color is missing. Hope you will have time to add.
The teal color exists, I may have forgotten to put it in the file! Download it through the github link, the version is sure to be there! The issue of names, I see no point in changing!
10 10 the best
Thank you!
10 10 the best
Thank you!
9 9 excellent
Thank you!
10 10 the best I LOVE the purple color scheme and I also love how the theme also has a color scheme for the LightDM Greeter too for XFCE Manjaro! Though it would be even more awesome if there was a Kvantum theme for QT apps on XFCE, other than that, I love this theme! Keep up the good work :D
Thank you!
10 the best. Please add screenshots of the flavours so we can easily discover the one right :)
Thank you! Just click on the name of the interface, two more to go, I promise I will put it in as soon as possible!
Also. I installed the theme via Pling Store and can't find the this theme for GNOME Shell in Tweaks app. Why ?
it may be that my packaging influences this, I would probably have to package each version of the theme separately
10 10 the best Adapta is without a doubt the best theme, thank you so much joshaby for keeping it alive!
thanks for the comment, i am happy to see that i am doing something important!
Lately I am too busy to update this theme and others here, this week I will post one with a new accent color!
What does it look like?
8 8 great but can it be updated for gnome 3.36 ? theres something odd with the gnome shell menu shadows, and the calendar applet is a disaster