Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
A variation of the default BGRT Plymouth theme with Xiaomi "spinner" (like in MIUI phones).
Contains Manjaro branding (watermark.png), replace it with whatever you like.
Do note that Xiaomi logo present on the preview here is just my own BGRT image, your will have your own depending on your motherboard / laptop vendor.
Encrypted setups are supported.
1) For Ubuntu:
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/share/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth default.plymouth /usr/share/plymouth/themes/bgrt-mi/bgrt-mi.plymouth 110 && sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth
Then select "bgrt-mi".
2) For Arch/Manjaro/Fedora:
plymouth-set-default-theme -R bgrt-mi Last changelog:
Contains Manjaro branding (watermark.png), replace it with whatever you like.
Do note that Xiaomi logo present on the preview here is just my own BGRT image, your will have your own depending on your motherboard / laptop vendor.
Encrypted setups are supported.
1) For Ubuntu:
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/share/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth default.plymouth /usr/share/plymouth/themes/bgrt-mi/bgrt-mi.plymouth 110 && sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth
Then select "bgrt-mi".
2) For Arch/Manjaro/Fedora:
plymouth-set-default-theme -R bgrt-mi
Fixed update titles
Fixed titles describing the update being in progress
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