Hello, I have looked high and low and can not, for the life of me, find this wallpaper. I have been all over Charlie's page and cant find this one wallpaper. Could someone share it or share a link to get it? Please? Thank You in advance
The problem is the wallpaper was a MOD I re worked from unsplash and all unsplash items were removed from the site as requested by the unsplash owners. I most likely have it stored somewhere and I will upload it to my Deviantart gallery. I will message back here when I find it..
Ratings & Comments
1 Why is there so much Plasma junk in the xfce-look.org section?
9 9 excellent
Thank You, sheaspinchaser!
Hello, I have looked high and low and can not, for the life of me, find this wallpaper. I have been all over Charlie's page and cant find this one wallpaper. Could someone share it or share a link to get it? Please? Thank You in advance
Hi manjarokdedude, I'll contact Charlie to see what's going on with that Wallpaper.
The problem is the wallpaper was a MOD I re worked from unsplash and all unsplash items were removed from the site as requested by the unsplash owners. I most likely have it stored somewhere and I will upload it to my Deviantart gallery. I will message back here when I find it..
10 My favorite theme!
Thank You, vtmx! Welcome,
I may use this for MX Linux ?
Hi christianbearslyclark, I'm not sure, but I don't think he can.