Available as/for:gnome-36gnome-38gnome-40gnome-41gnome-42
Description: A Gnome shell theme which aims to bring back the look of the old transparent-black and colorful icons default shell from earlier Gnome versions to Gnome 47.
Note: To get colorful icons you have to install an icon theme which provides full color shell icons as well.
GDM and lockscreen theming is supported through a bundled Gnome extension, see README for details.
Source code and build instructions can be found at: https://github.com/mx-2/gnome-shell-sass/tree/good-old-shell-47Last changelog:
Version 47.2
Fixed incorrect dialog buttons after Gnome 47.2 update.
I'll start off by saying thank you MX-2 for your shell theme.
I have used it first in gnome shell 3.36 then you inspired me to look into creating my own.
I used your theme as a base for the most part, but different color palettes.
The first theme, color palette, was based on Firefox Alpenglow theme.
The second theme, color palette, was based on Ubuntu's Aubergine.
Thanks to you, I got through most of CSS Tutorial on w3schools and google's Material Design, just to have a better understanding and follow some sort of standard.
But I never got around to figuring out how to share my themes.
If GNOME 43 isn't more difficult than previous shells, I might get around to modifying my shell. Just so it looks more complete. As far as ".popup-menu-ornament" colors.
PS AFAICT your v43 needs rework. System Menu, Dock, etc.
How have you tested the theme?
I tested it on Fedora rawhide and did not had any problems. On the new Ubuntu 22.10, you have to replace the "Ubuntu-Dock" extension with the vanilla "dash-to-dock" to make this theme work.
I'm an Ubuntu user, 22.10 GNOME 43 currently. Loaded good-old-shell-43.0 standard way into ~/.themes. The buttons in the System Menu all have blue color. Three of them are active e.g., Wi-Fi, Night Light, GSConnect and I can't tell the difference from which are active and which are inactive. There IS but very subtle, unless I hover over each one, those that are inactive will have much lighter blue hover over it. I'm not fluent in Fedora, so I couldn't verify, since the only version I have set up in a VM for Fedora is Fedora 36 which is on GNOME 42.4. I'm also not fluent in CSS and skimming through your shell in VS Code “compare with selected” to pinpoint which declaration, property it is, but I was fruitless, though I've tried. Tried looking glass, would lock half the shell, and Escape somehow would escape it until I killed the shell. Dash-to-dock I remember this recommendation from the past. Not sure for your shell or other. I checked your GitHub, issue tracking isn't enabled. So this is just feedback at most. Disregard it if it's an isolated occurrence.
Ratings & Comments
10 10 the best
10 Forgot to add a rating.
I'll start off by saying thank you MX-2 for your shell theme. I have used it first in gnome shell 3.36 then you inspired me to look into creating my own. I used your theme as a base for the most part, but different color palettes. The first theme, color palette, was based on Firefox Alpenglow theme. The second theme, color palette, was based on Ubuntu's Aubergine. Thanks to you, I got through most of CSS Tutorial on w3schools and google's Material Design, just to have a better understanding and follow some sort of standard. But I never got around to figuring out how to share my themes. If GNOME 43 isn't more difficult than previous shells, I might get around to modifying my shell. Just so it looks more complete. As far as ".popup-menu-ornament" colors. PS AFAICT your v43 needs rework. System Menu, Dock, etc.
How have you tested the theme? I tested it on Fedora rawhide and did not had any problems. On the new Ubuntu 22.10, you have to replace the "Ubuntu-Dock" extension with the vanilla "dash-to-dock" to make this theme work.
I'm an Ubuntu user, 22.10 GNOME 43 currently. Loaded good-old-shell-43.0 standard way into ~/.themes. The buttons in the System Menu all have blue color. Three of them are active e.g., Wi-Fi, Night Light, GSConnect and I can't tell the difference from which are active and which are inactive. There IS but very subtle, unless I hover over each one, those that are inactive will have much lighter blue hover over it. I'm not fluent in Fedora, so I couldn't verify, since the only version I have set up in a VM for Fedora is Fedora 36 which is on GNOME 42.4. I'm also not fluent in CSS and skimming through your shell in VS Code “compare with selected” to pinpoint which declaration, property it is, but I was fruitless, though I've tried. Tried looking glass, would lock half the shell, and Escape somehow would escape it until I killed the shell. Dash-to-dock I remember this recommendation from the past. Not sure for your shell or other. I checked your GitHub, issue tracking isn't enabled. So this is just feedback at most. Disregard it if it's an isolated occurrence.
I enabled github issues, lets continue there.
10 Awesome. Thanks for your hard work.
10 10 the best
9 9 excellent
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
8 8 great
10 Yeah baby (c) :) Very nice theme. Thank you
Awesome theme!!!! Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much.