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YapStocks is yet another plasmoid for you to monitor stock prices and more.

The data is sourced from Yahoo Finance! at the moment as it has an easy-to-use unofficial API. By default, the data is refreshed every 30 minutes (you can configure this). Only symbols are supported, you can find the symbols on the Yahoo Finance website and configure them in the applet configurations.

Minimum Requirement

Qt >= 5.12
Since version 2.0, you must have QtCharts QML module installed.

Issues and Contributions

Please check this project at GitHub:
Last changelog:


More workarounds

Ratings & Comments



10 Muito bom. Infelizmente o desenvolvedor parou de atualizar o widget devido a API do yahoo ter sido alterada.


8 I like the app but it has unfortunately stopped working with recent TW. I tried to give some feedback but no wish to register at GIT to be honest. Error message is: file:///home/entropy/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.librehat.yapstocks/contents/ui/main.qml:92:5: Type MainPage unavailable file:///home/entropy/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.librehat.yapstocks/contents/ui/MainPage.qml:109:9: Type PriceChart unavailable file:///home/entropy/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.librehat.yapstocks/contents/ui/PriceChart.qml:23:1: module "QtCharts" is not installed which is funny because it IS installed (checked and controlled all mentioned dependencies. If you have a distribution that works (plasma normally worked, a pity it has issues now) it is a great plasmoid that allows you to have several stances with different portfolios. Not that it does allow you to set your assets, but you can follow roughly all stocks registered at yahoo stocks and that is including an astonishing amount of A-shares, SH, SZ and of course all of HK. Great asset. Hope some time it will come back to live. What could be better: it would be nice to have tags with portfoglios so that I could just do one page US, one EU, one CN and so on, that would allow to have one single stance of yapstocks but also to have a more sinoptical order, be it geographically be it by portfoglio / brokers. But.... a very good, quite unique plasmoid that has AFAIK no concurrent / alternative.


Thanks for your comments. I had an attempt to make something more feature-rich but don't have that much spare time. I'm using OpenSUSE Leap 15.4 and there hasn't been any issues. Could you check that you actually have both QtCharts as well as its QML module packages installed please (i.e.


Ciao librehat and thanks for the reply. I looked into this and actually this problem is probably double. I did install the aforementioned QML module packages (as far as I understand they are there now) so the error message is gone, the search "sees" the share by name or code, but the window stays transparent and empty. I think the issue here could be that TW now uses QT6 so they do not have a libqt5chartsqml module but a "libqt5". It has been substituted by libqt6chartsqml for what I understand. I did install all libqt6 qml related modules I can think of as related, but it would help if the symptoms do get you a clue on what could be missing. No error message, just transparent, shares show up as hover window when you come by change over their position. But all the writing is invisible and clicking on it does not show the chart.


I opened a GIT case, so you will find all the description there. Thank you.


8 I really like YapStocks. It does not seem to work in Plasma on Wayland, though. Is there a simple solution? If not, do you plan on releasing a version that works on Wayland?


It has nothing to do with Wayland as it doesn't interact with display directly but uses Qt (QML). I also no longer maintain this widget sorry.


I've come back to Linux desktop and just released a new version. I'm using OpenSUSE Leap 15.4 on Wayland and the new version works fine for me. If you have any issues, please go to the GitHub project issues page and report it. Thanks


10 With googlefinance() not working on Google Sheets, I found YapStocks in a search for a new quote source. I've only had it installed for 30 minutes but v4.1 works perfectly and looks great for my small basket of stocks. Thank you for this excellent Plasmoid.


9 9 excellent, Good job.


2 Error loading QML file: file:///home/.../.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.librehat.yapstocks/contents/ui/main.qml:137:59: Expected token `:'


Please, if you have issues, can you please report it to GitHub issues page and put your Linux distribution and Plasma and Qt environment?


You have to install "qt5-charts"


here is giving this error: QML: file:///home/my-user/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.librehat.yapstocks/contents/ui/main.qml:108:5: PlasmaComponents3.Page is not a type


This shouldn't be a problem in v4.x (it was reported for version 3.0 only). Please try to update to the latest version.


Really after the update worked, thanks !!


8 It's almost good, after a certain period it starts to double the values ​​and enabling the scroll. Operating System: KDE neon 5.19 KDE Plasma Version: 5.19.4 KDE Frameworks Version: 5.73.0 Qt Version: 5.14.2 Kernel Version: 5.4.0-42-generic OS Type: 64-bit


Just published 4.0 which I tested briefly and couldn't reproduce your issue. Please give it an update and see if this fixes your issue


v3.0: Error loading QML-File: file:///home/user/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.librehat.yapstocks/contents/ui/main.qml:108:5: PlasmaComponents3.Page is not a type


10 the best


Which version of Plasma 5 are you on? It should be a valid type in 5.18 LTS


Operating System: Kubuntu 20.04 KDE Plasma Version: 5.18.5 KDE Frameworks Version: 5.68.0 Qt Version: 5.12.8 Kernel Version: 5.4.0-40-generic OS Type: 64-bit


After reboot the plasmoid cannot load the data. Adding or removing a stock make it work again. refresh interval cannot be changed.


That happens if you don't have Internet when the desktop starts. It does load on my machine, though it'll take a long time (not as long as the update interval, but about 1minute). The update interval can be changed in the Timer tab in the settings. Please open issues on if you have a GitHub account. It's easier than comments here


Version 2 works now. Thank you!

0 Affiliates
license GPLv3
version v4.6
downloads 24h 2
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 8

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