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A full KDE theme based on gamer aesthetics and modern minimalism

Kyzenred comes with it own color scheme but can also use any color schemes you want.

Most Kyzenred components comes with their own scripts directiory where you can easily regenerate any assets you want.

Kyzenred is a mostly pure SVG theme.


Kyzenred Plasma Splash screen

by oracleforms11g

A full KDE theme based on gamer aesthetics and modern minimalism (Plasma look-and-feel component)

## Dependencies ##
- KDE >= 5

## Installation ##
Just put the whole uncrompressed directory in `~/.local/share/plasma/look-and-feel/`. For the theme to work correctly you'll also need to fetch every other Kyzenred components.

## About ##
This is mainly composed of a splash screen. It can also preset your Plasma desktop among other things.

The splash screen is also dynamic and will change it's color scheme to whatever your current color scheme is.
Plasma Splashscreens

Kyzenred SDDM Theme

by oracleforms11g

A full KDE theme based on gamer aesthetics and modern minimalism (SDDM greeter component)

## Installation ##
Just put this repository in `/usr/share/sddm/theme`. For the theme to work correctly you'll also need to fetch every other Kyzenred components.
In order to let SDDM use your background and your color scheme, you need to run the enable-theme.sh script in the greeter's scripts directory
SDDM Login Themes

Kyzenred GTK Theme

by oracleforms11g

A full KDE theme based on gamer aesthetics and modern minimalism (GTK themes and assets)

## Dependencies ##
- KDE >= 5 (Required if using custom color schemes)
- Inkscape (Required if using customs colors schemes)
- Bash
- GTK2 Murrine engine

## About ##
This theme was built with KDE in mind. Using this theme on GNOME is at your own risk.

This theme includes both GTK2 and GTK3 themes. It can also use any KDE color scheme you want, granted to regenerate the theme first.

Kyzenred comes prepackaged with pre-generated assets so you don't have to generate anything if you're using the default color scheme.

## Installation ##
Just put this repository in your `~/.themes/` directory (make a new one if it doesn't exist)
GTK3/4 Themes

Kyzenred Plasma Theme

by oracleforms11g

A full KDE theme based on gamer aesthetics and modern minimalism (Plasma theme)

## Dependencies ##
- KDE >= 5

## Installation ##
Just put this repository in your `~/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme/` directory (make a new one if it doesn't exist)

## About ##
This plasma theme is also fully dynamic and will adapt to any color scheme you'll throw at it.
Plasma Themes

Kyzenred Kvantum Theme

by oracleforms11g

A full KDE theme based on gamer aesthetics and modern minimalism (Kvantum theme)

## Dependencies ##
- KDE >= 5
- Kvantum
- Bash

## Installation ##
Just put the whole unziped directory in your `~/.config/Kvantum/` directory (make a new one if it doesn't exist)

## About ##
At its core, Kyzenred comes with pre-rendered assets that matches it's official color scheme. That means that you can use Kyzenred as is.

However, Kyzenred was designed to handle any KDE color scheme you'll throw at it!

Each time you change your color scheme, remember to run the `kyzenred-generate.sh` in the `scripts` directory!

Kyzenred Aurorae Theme

by oracleforms11g

A full KDE theme based on gamer aesthetics and modern minimalism (Aurorae decorator theme)

## About ##
At its core, Kyzenred comes with its own official color scheme.

However, Kyzenred was also designed to handle any KDE color scheme you'll throw at it!

## Installation ##
Just put this repository in your `~/.local/share/aurorae/themes/` directory (make a new one if it doesn't exist)
Plasma Window Decorations

Kyzenred Color Scheme

by oracleforms11g

A full KDE theme based on gamer aesthetics and modern minimalism (Color palettes)

## Dependencies ##
- KDE >= 5

## Installation ##
This repository have two sub-directories: `color-schemes` and `konsole`.

### `color-schemes` ###
Put the content of `color-schemes` in your `~/.local/share/color-schemes/` directory (make one if it doesn't exist)

### `konsole` ###
Put the content of `konsole` in your `~/.local/share/konsole/` directory. (make one if it doesn't exist)
Plasma Color Schemes

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