Mint-Yz Colors
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:cinnamonmatexfce
Description:These icons are the same as those found in Mint-Y-icons.
Only the places colors have been changed to match the colors of Mint-Yz-theme:
More information, Download and Install:
Feel free to mix colors ! Check the screenshots above...
A simple and universal ZIP. Plus some subtle color upgrades. (README for optimum performance, included in the ZIP...)
* Downgraded packaging method to a simple and universal ZIP file.
* Color names got changed: Aqua, Red, Orange.
* Subtle color updates on Aqua, BlueElectron, BlueBelize.
* Updated README and Do-It-Yourself files.
Ratings & Comments
10 10 the best - very beautiful colors, it goes well with the Mint-Yz themes, congratulations
Can I ask what the html colour for Orangeshine is?
This OrangeShine is not a standard HTML colour. It is defined with an HEX value: #ff780a To use it for HTML, you would need to create a CSS class this way: Also, maybe this colour was a tiny bit too intense ? Maybe #ff791a would be better ? Here, take a look at a possible near future: https://github.com/SebastJava/mint-yz-theme/blob/newflat/Mint-Y-Colors/Mint-Y-Variations-2.png
Okay, well, sorry, I tried to show you how to create this CSS class, but it doesn't work here !
And I can't even re-edit this preceding post !?
.OrangeShine { color:#fff !important;background-color:#ff780a !important}
Okay, that's the CSS class I was trying to show. You will need to put it somewhere, somehow. It could be on top of your HTML file, or into some external linked CSS. You can get all the how-to there: https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/default.asp
GitHub is much more convenient to start a discussion, display code, show images, etc. I posted a complete answer, with a complete code example, there: https://github.com/SebastJava/mint-yz-icons/discussions/5 If you need more help, please create an account there so you can ask more questions... It's free, easy, and state-of-the-art !
The yellow variant is the weakest in the set, IMHO, like the original Mint-Y icons. Too brown as far as I'm concerned. Would be nice to add one or two alternatives, with more vibrancy and light. Just a suggestion of course. :)
Yes, that's right. This Yellow should be re-edited, one day. Those colours here are the same as those 11 colours from my Mint-Yz GTK theme. This Yellow was just a quickly added 12th colour for the icons... There is a major new edition planned for the arrival of Mint 20.3... Somewhere at the end of this year or next January.
Merci Sébastien. I see you’re closely involved in Mint’s development these days. Keep up the great work!
9 Great stuff, thanks!
Can I make a suggestion? The colours for these themes and icons are great but perhaps the symbols on the folders in the darker colours such as Blue Deep, could be in white on the dark blue folders, which would make them easier to see. Just a thought.
I wish the icon for Zoom was the same shape as the others.
Any chance the above could happen?
Zoom? Installed from the Software Manager? I looked into the Software Manager and found it is a Flatpak. This means that this application is installed separately, with its own icons and other components. And there is no icon for Zoom in the standard Mint-Y-icons anyway. But... there is always a workaround for every problem. You could change this default icon to any other icon that fits better. Or create your own. Check this: https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?p=1969912#p1969912 SIMPLE WORK-AROUND section. That's for LinuxMint Cinnamon. There are possibly some similar methods for the other distributions. If you still can't find your way, i suggest you go to https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewforum.php?f=211
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
10 This is fantastic but it appears that the recent update to Linux Mint from 20 to 20.1 has affected this icon pack. The folders for YZ use to change the file's icon and "show desktop" icon in the panel to the same colour but since the update to 20.1 Ulyssa, only the "show desktop" changes to the colour of the folder and the file's icon goes green, possibly Mint Y. Not sure why this has happened. Still getting a 10.
Yes. I did this upgrade and i saw that too. It is just a little icon in the panel, no big deal, but it is bothering me. I should try to pull updates from the official Mint-Y repository, maybe this would solve this little problem. I will probably check this within 7 days...
Thanks. It is no big deal but as you said that little green folder in the panel is bothering me too. LOL
Any success on this little issue? I do love these colours and would like to have it on my desktop.
Done. Sorry for the delay. Check the changelog: it was not so easy! Version 2.5.1 now available.