Description: Behold! The Scriptinator! A simple configurable widget button to run custom commands with the mouse. run commands: -on startup -periodically -when clicked -when scrolled up -when scrolled down -when hovered with the mouse you can change the icon by returning an output formatted like this: {PlasmoidIconStart}/home/path/to/icon.png{PlasmoidIconEnd} also the tooltip can be changed this way: {PlasmoidTooltipStart}some text here{PlasmoidTooltipEnd} more info in the readme on github: Plasma 6 version available here:
10You can do so many things with this great tool: I started with making my own update notifier that gives me options to perform pending updates offline or online, with Discover or Package Manager or Terminal.
Ratings & Comments
10 You can do so many things with this great tool: I started with making my own update notifier that gives me options to perform pending updates offline or online, with Discover or Package Manager or Terminal.
10 10 Great work! Being able to change the plasmoid icon is super handy!