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Installation instructions for Plasma 6.1
Installation instructions for Plasma 6.0
Installation instructions for Plasma 5.27

Klassy (formerly ClassiK/ClassikStyles) is a highly customizable binary Window Decoration, Application Style and Global Theme plugin for recent versions of the KDE Plasma desktop. Initially taking inspiration from the iconography of KDE 1, the Klassy defaults are an attempt to create a usable and appealing look for the modern Plasma desktop. Install with the instructions below, and then make sure it is enabled in System Settings -> Appearance -> Window Decorations, in System Settings -> Appearance -> Application Style and in System Settings -> Appearance -> Icons.

Watch the Klassy demo video

Also provides Oxygen/Breeze and Redmond button icons.
Provides a Window Decoration, Application Style and Icons so that icons in dockable panels, MDI applications, context menus and GTK applications consistently match the main titlebar icons (make sure to enable all 3 in your Plasma Appearance settings!):

Configurable button size, shape, translucency, colours and outlining.

Ability to inherit system colour-scheme highlight colours for hover and focus, as well as titlebar colour. Auto-enhances contrast in cases where it is poor.

Option to have matching titlebar colour and border colour.

Configurable button spacing (left and right), titlebar margins (sides, top/bottom and option for different maximized), corner radius; all with scaling for HiDPI.

Transparency/opacity configurable for both active/inactive titlebars/headers; setting to make maximized windows opaque; blur is configurable.

Configurable thin window outline with optional accent colours.

Configurable scrollbars; gapless auto-hiding arrows by default.

Ability to load icons from the system icon theme. window-*-symbolic icons are recommended for this purpose. If the icons have been designed properly with SVG CSS properties then they will be colourized by default. You can also force the colourization of any symbolic icon by checking the Force-colourize icons window decoration setting.

To install, see instructions at
Last changelog:


- Plasma 6.1+ now required due to API change for window decoration spacer buttons
- Add configuration of spacer button width and touch mode scaling
- Fix titlebar height not always being calculated properly
- Fix transparent state-change animation glitch in twilight theme
- Window corner radius is now in units of pixels @100% scaling
- User-adjustable Application Style corner radii
- Allow scrollbar separator line to be hidden, hidden by default
- Use dark icons with dark desktop themes
- Do not generate help-contextual-symbolic icon any more
- All relevant fixes from Breeze up to Plasma 6.2.1

Ratings & Comments



10 I already loved using this on Plasma 5. Made a brief pause on using it when I migrated to Plasma 6 but it was surprisingly quick to port over, I'm impressed. But when I switched back to it... Good lord, the customization was dialed to 12, not 11! I get lost with how much stuff can be changed. Still the best one out there, especially if you like transparency and blur in the toolbar like me. Sad this does not work on Kirigami, however, but this is by design. Hopefully Kirigami can be made to follow the transparent toolbar one day.


10 This could replace aurorae


10 Best style and best window decoration.


10 great job !


10 THE BEST KDE THEME I EVER SEEN! Looks beautiful and highly customizable! (could be even better if provide transparency for the side menu of dolphin)


10 It can't get any better. This is what a KDE theme should be. So customizable, you can basically create ANY theme with, that you want. This should replace Breeze asap.


10 I love it, I've been using it almost exclusively for a few months now. Very robust and seems to be a much better citizen than Breeze itself. Great work, thank you!


10 Fire!


8 Great theme, would be cool though if there was an option to set transparency for the application style besides just the menu. And applying this application style breaks blur in console. Other than that, solid theme


Figured out that the blur option on the konsole theme I had applied somehow got unticked. I don't know if it was applying this theme that caused it, but I noticed it basically immediately after. Anyway, theme didn't break anything, my bad


9 I love it, it's almost perfect if it wasn't for the round corners of programs like Telegram, otherwise it's very successful, thanks for doing this. :)


9 excellent, BRAVO, Thank's a lot


10 10 the best


10 This is absolutely beautiful! I love how customizeable this is


10 I dont know how I have lived without this awesome application style. The best!!


10 Awesome!


10 Looks very nice!

0 Affiliates
license GPLv2 or later
version 6.2.breeze6.2.1
downloads 24h 10
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 58

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