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This is a plugin for KDE Plasma 5.x for adding animation effects for opening and closing the windows and popups. Kwin has built-in animation effects, and this plugin combines them.
Tested on Kubuntu 22.04 with Plasma 5.24.
Last changelog:

v1.2 New config UI

Now, there is a new config UI that show be more convenient.

Ratings & Comments



10 My great developer friend. Your complement has been helpful to me for years! However, unfortunately, the Garuda I use updated Plasma to version 6. Therefore, its plasmoid broke. Because it is no longer compatible. But your palmoid is more important to me than Plasma 6. I would love to have it working again. Thank you very much if you do this. Don't let this wonderful work be forgotten in the past.


Thank you for the positive feedback! Some time ago I wanted to start debugging the plugin on Plasma 5.27 (and probably, the API should be the same in Plasma 6), but when I ran OpenSuse in Virtualbox, I got some issues with my hard drive. As now I have my backup, I guess, I should continue the debug as eventually, I will also get the newer Plasma version, and I would need my plugin to work! B-)


Do you have any idea when the expected release date for Plasma 6 will be. Just so I can schedule my expectations and calm my nerves? :)


I don't expect it in the near 6 months. But if I'm able to do that earlier, that would be a pleasant surprise.


Well, even so, I hope that this year you have some time to clean up your house and release this add-on for Plasma 6 again. Good things should last for a long time. Good Luck!


9 lots to tweak here, very cool


10 10 the best. Please add an option to ignore certain apps because it's not as good with modals and drop-downs


Thank you. I will add that feature in the future.


Hi, Version 1.1 allows turning off effects for all modals. In the future, I will add a way to use custom effects for modals. But right now, I need to create a better user interface because adding more options increases the size of the config window.


10 10 the best


7 Awesome extension. Can't wait for more old school effects like back in the day!


9 9 excellent


Hi, This effect needs to be rewritten improved, it does its job has a nice graphic effect but many bugs are there. I ask the developer to arrange more with perfection. Thank you


Thank you for your interest for your interest in the effect plugin. Unfortunately, right now, it is not ready to use. But you can experiment with it. By a coincidence, today I planned to make a small update. Now, you won't need to uncomment the strings to choose an effect. Instead, you will need to specify the effect name in the `open_animation` and `close_animation` parameters. There are a lot of things to improve. Most of the bugs should occur if an effect uses several sub effects. I will try to fix it in the future.


Great job leaf-wataru, just this morning I received an update and I must say that it is much better than before, the effect is smoother much nicer to see ... Thanks a lot.


Hi. Thank you. Though, I didn't do much things there. However, now, there is a newer version where I added the opacity sub-effect for all effects. If you can use transparent windows, it should start working better than before. Also, I plan to add the GUI to change the effects in a more convenient way.


hi, thanks for taking into consideration to fix the plugin, I hope it gets better and better ... I wanted to ask you a question the cube effect is no longer on KDE-Plasma? There was also another Desktop Effects plugin called cool effect something like that, they were beautiful I don't understand why they took it off. Do you think you can improve yours even more? KwinDevEffect does its job. Thanks leaf.


Hi, I still have the desktop cube effect. But I suppose it is because I have Plasma 5.18.8. I found this discussion regarding that issue: Desktop Cube is a popular feature. I suppose it will be added in the future. I found this code regarding the Cool Effect: And it seems that it is easy to implement. Moreover, I already have something like this with the `minimize_to_center` effect name. The only difference is that in my case, the window is minimized completely, while the cool effect minimizes it to 75%. If you want to try, you can find the lines 135 and 136 in the `~/.local/share/kwin/effects/kwinDevEffect/contents/code/main.js` file and change 1.0 to 0.75. And you will have that effect right away! Turn off the plugin, apply the settings, then turn it on and apply the settings. After I find a way to show the window with the settings, I will work on a way to specify the sub-effects manually, so that you can adjust them. And there will be some presets that you could use. Until then, you need to specify the preset name in the `~/.local/share/kwin/effects/kwinDevEffect/contents/code/main.js` file.


I see if I can KWin Cool Effect 0.2.js, the number of strings and up to 63


I can't do it also because I understand very little about programming, I wait for you to implement your effects plugins that can make the best use of archLinux Kde-plasma. It would be useful for me to understand which are the best effects to activate to have a fluid and beautiful system with graphic effects, without weighing it down too much, because I notice that some effects conflict. Thanks


Hi, I've just found out how to easily install new effect plugins. You just need to copy the whole folder to `~/.local/share/kwin/effects`, then open the Desktop Effects settings, and you will see effects there. Also, some time ago I found that there was the pre-installed Cool Effect on my Kubuntu 20.04, but it was in a wrong folder. I moved it to the correct folder. And the effect is now working out of the box. I don't know if that effect is included or pre-installed in other distros and I couldn't quickly find it. So, here is the quick link for you: Just move it to the `~/.local/share/kwin/effects` folder and open the Desktop Effects settings.


Ok try to do it, let's see what's new. Thanks


Bravissimo is perfect it works great, you could also insert the cube given the work done ...? I thank you. Regarding the kwinDevEffect effect, you have to refine the effect in a more defined way ... The plugin is very nice, only it is not yet perfect when opened, double smudges come out you have to make it with a cleaner effect opening. You are a genius boy. I would also like me to develop a plug-in ...


Thank you. Today I found out how to make the UI part work with my effect. So, I expect that soon it will be able to switch effects from the UI settings. And after that, I plan to add a way to adjust effects making a custom effect. I have not yet tried Kubuntu 22.04, which should have Plasma 5.21 or 5.23 with the missing cube. I will test it later. I doubt there is an easy way to return the cube effect, but if there is a way, I will help you to do that.


Thanks to you boy. I use Arch Linux Kde-Plasma ... See you soon leaf-watoru

0 Affiliates
license GPLv2 or later
version 1.2
downloads 24h 3
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 1

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