Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Abdulkaiz Khatri
Check README.md for installation, uninstallation, and personalize cursor sizes or colors.
Bibata Styles:
- Bibata Modern: Round Edges Bibata Cursors
- Bibata Original: Sharp Edges Bibata Cursors
XCursor Sizes:
16x16, 20x20, 22x22, 24x24, 28x28, 32x32, 40x40, 48x48, 56x56, 64x64, 72x72, 80x80, 88x88, 96x96
Windows Cursor Size:
- 16x16 - Small
- 24x24 - Regular
- 32x32 - Large
- 48x48 - Extra Large
How to Personalize Bibata
Visit https://www.bibata.live to personalize and download your own Bibata Cursor.
License & Terms:
'Bibata_Cursor' is available under the terms of the 'GPL-3.0' license.
Changes for Developers/Package Distributors:
- The 'build.toml' and 'build.right.toml' files have been removed. Instead, the cursor build configurations are now distributed according to platforms within the 'configs' directory:
- 'configs/normal/x.build.toml': Used to build normal XCursor.
- 'configs/normal/win_rg.build.toml': Used to build normal regular size Windows cursors.
- 'configs/normal/win_lg.build.toml': Used to build normal large size Windows cursors.
- 'configs/normal/win_xxl.build.toml': Used to build normal extra large size Windows cursors.
- 'configs/right/x.build.toml': Used to build right XCursor.
- 'configs/right/win_rg.build.toml': Used to build right regular size Windows cursors.
- 'configs/right/win_lg.build.toml': Used to build right large size Windows cursors.
- 'configs/right/win_xxl.build.toml': Used to build right extra large size Windows cursors.
What's New?
- Redesign hands cursor for 'bibata-*-right' cursors (Related to #112)
- Attach version meta-data inside cursor packages
Issues Fixes
- Fixes #159
- Fixes #158
- Fixes #161
Ratings & Comments