Plasma 6 Applets buttons kde-plasma notitlebar plasmoid window
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
1. Compatibility issue fixed
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Ratings & Comments
10 Great widget. work well
Nice applets. thanks for making this applet, I really love it. can you give the option, that when no application window opens the window control button hides, if any application window opens, the window control button appears
10 This plasmoid is what keeps me in KDE. I use a single panel, put it on top and everthing is on it. The close/max/min windows title from this plasmoid. Then App launcher, icon only task manager, system tray and finally digital clock. Oh, and when a window is maximized, hide the title bar. It's just perfect.
Just a heads up for whoever might care to use the new feature of having the elements be hidden and show up only when mousing over them, make sure you pair it with the option "Show disabled elements: Hide, keep space". If you select "deactivated" they will still show up but be greyed out. If you select "hide" then when they go away they actually stop occupying that area completely, and the consequence of that is that you can't mouse over them anymore.
There should be a small invisible placeholder that will allow you to hover over the widget and call a context menu to change a configuration.
You are right, it was further to the right than where I first searched and I missed it.
10 Hey great work! Would it be possible to have an option for the elements to be hidden by default and only show up when mouse-overed? I know it's just fetishism for a cleaner look but I figured I'd ask anyways.
I created the issue here: https://github.com/antroids/application-title-bar/issues/36
Great update! Thank you for adding this feature!
Me, again ;-) I don't know it its possible: how about to integrate the extension "KDE Global Menu" into your extension? --> Show/open menu on left click
No, because the widget is pure QML without the cpp backend for now, and there is no public QML API for Global Menu. You still can use the both widgets on a single panel. The Application Title Bar also can be configured to be invisible, so you can add it after the menu as spacer with configurable actions. Related issue is here: https://github.com/antroids/application-title-bar/issues/13
10 Hey it would be great to define the "Window Title Source" separate for "Widget Layout" and "Widget Elements override for maximized". Thank you, Tom
I created issue to track progress: https://github.com/antroids/application-title-bar/issues/29
10 Really really good!!!
10 Thank you very much for this applet. It enhances the performance and usability of the Plasma 6.
10 This is the best option for sure. The ability to hide the buttons unless you hover your mouse over the widget would make it perfect.
Could you please describe the requirements? It would be best if you create an issue in the Github repository.
10 I love it. So useful and configurable. The config screen where you move and add components is pure wizardry!
The author, you're a genius, it would be possible to slap another 10, now everything is perfect. Both the settings and the animation. Super
10 Now it's almost perfect
Very good, it would be even better if the button style could follow the system theme
... It doesn't?
Also, when all windows are closed, it shows the last app's title (when no undefined is set)
even if set, the latest application is still displayed