Plasma-Control-Hub is a similar macos control center applet, created especially for use in plasma. This widget is not a fork of Prayag2's work, although some of its code was reused. It's still a work in progress, it may not work.
- Battery indicator
- Shutdown button
- Brightness slider
- Multimedia Controls
- Volume Control
- Bluetooth Toggle Control
- Settings Button
- Audio Settings Button
- Network Configurations
- Do Not Disturb Toggle
- Current Weather
Manual Installation
Download the file from the "Files" tab on this page.
Unzip the downloaded file and copy the resulting folder to the following path: .local/plasma/plasmoids
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Ratings & Comments
Looks awesome! Thanks for the Farenheit!!
I'm glad you like it, thanks for commenting.
Is there a way in this applet to change Celsius to Farenheit?
I hope to add the option in the next update
i added the option for change units of temperature, try now
This is pretty awesome but I'm in the United States and I can't figure out how to change Celsius to Fahrenheit ??
Getting the following error: file:///home/dd/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/Plasma.Control.Hub/contents/ui/main.qml:716:29: NightLightControl is not a type KDE Plasma: 6.0.5 KDE Framework: 6.3.0
I'm sorry, support for plasma versions lower than plasma 6.1 has been abandoned.
9 excellent, I like it, I like it
Can you add a button to change light/dark color schemes like Color Centre did? Thanks.
It is a pending task, it will be available soon
Y los cambios en esta actualización en qué consisten? Limpieza de código o se fusionó alguna función solicitada?
There was an error that caused the "settings" text and the "system settings" subtitle to be larger than the rest of the text, in some cases it was not obvious but in others it was, now the text font issue It is linked to the size of the source of the rest of the elements
Gracias! Buen trabajo!
Muy interesante, duda ¿es difícil hacer un plasmoide?, tengo una idea pero la verdad no se nada de qml o bueno hace tiempo no hago nada relacionado con programación.
Nada mejor que analizar el codigo de los archivos .qml de otros plasmoides y visitar
9 Nice work, keep it up!
thanks for your comment and rating