Description: BreezeEnhanced is a *fork of KDE Breeze* decoration.
In general it is *faster and snappier* than normal window decoration / aurorae (library, installable systemwide; supports qt 6.8+ / kde 6.32+).
features: The optional title-bar gradient is smooth and has a configurable intensity. The title-bar opacity is configurable. A very mild light line is added to the top of title-bar (especially for dark color schemes) and the separator between title-bar and window is removed. By default, the close, minimize and maximize buttons are macOS-like and their sizes change on mouse-over when animation is enabled. The spacing between buttons is configurable. Opaqueness, opacity override and flatness are added to the exception list properties. Title-bar font is set indpendent from the KDE font settings (for use outside KDE).
Ratings & Comments
1 Comment
10 10 points because ... is *faster and snappier* and it's working well with almost any theme. 1.