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claudemods chromeos cloner v1.0 guide for scripts
cloning guide
use gparted to get your drive chromeos/chromiumos is installed on e.g /dev/sda
to clone from arch use command sudo ./arch-chromeosclonerscript.bin
to clone from ubuntu use command sudo ./ubuntu-chromeosclonerscript.bin
to clone from debian use command sudo ./debian-chromeosclonerscript.bin
enter the drive chromeos/chromiumos is installed on
enter a location to clone to make sure it has enough space e.g around 25gb-30gb
let the script do the rest it will create a folder chromeos-backup with 12 .imgs it should take around 45 minutes
installation guide
make sure chromeos-installerscript.py is in the same location of the chromeos-backup folder
please download https://github.com/sebanc/brunch/releases/
extract all downloaded files to directory the chromeos-installerscript.py is in
use command sudo python chromeosinstaller.py
enter a drive to install to e.g /dev/sda
enter the file name to the downloaded recovery you have in current directory of all scripts
let the script do the rest
it will take about 20-30 minutes to install your custom cloned system
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