Extract File ACE
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Extract file ACE with simple servicemenu.
*** Observation: Depends of file UNACE. ***
In Debian and "derivates" use
# apt-get install unace
To install this servicemenu, download this file and unpack (as root) in this directory:
or anothers directory (depends of your distribution) ;-)
Special Thanks:
- Augusto Campos (http://br-linux.org)
- Carlos E. Morimoto ( www.guiadohardware.net)
- Julio C. Neves
for line "Exec" this servicemenu.
Languages suported in this servicemenu:
- English
- Portuguese Brazilian
I use Kurumin Linux. Visite the site:
www.guiadohardware.net/kurumin Last changelog:
*** Observation: Depends of file UNACE. ***
In Debian and "derivates" use
# apt-get install unace
To install this servicemenu, download this file and unpack (as root) in this directory:
or anothers directory (depends of your distribution) ;-)
Special Thanks:
- Augusto Campos (http://br-linux.org)
- Carlos E. Morimoto ( www.guiadohardware.net)
- Julio C. Neves
for line "Exec" this servicemenu.
Languages suported in this servicemenu:
- English
- Portuguese Brazilian
I use Kurumin Linux. Visite the site:
0.1 - Initial Release. (17.june.2005)
Ratings & Comments
It tells me : Cannot find the program « cd »
I've corrected it replacing the exec line with : Exec=xterm -e "cd "`dirname %u`"; unace x "%u""
The integration with ark in next KDE (I believe that 4.0).
hey, couldn't you think about integrating this into the current kde tools (i guess ark?)? so it just works in the same rmb "unpack" menu as the other archives like zip etc etc? dutch: Name[nl]=pak ACE archief uit
Great work. Thanks. Turkish translation: Name[tr]=ACE arşivi aç
Ok! I add translate in next week! Thanks!
Name[it]=Estrai archivio ACE
The spanish translation, in case you want to add it: Name[es]=Extraer archivo ACE Nice work.