Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
It provides kde4/plasma/trinity service menus, nautilus-actions scripts for GNOME, caja-actions scripts for MATE, nemo-actions scripts for Cinnamon.
Mandatory Build Dependencies:
python > 2.5
rpm package manager
Optional Build Dependencies:
kde4-libs for KDE4 support
zenity for GNOME/MATE/CINNAMON support
tdelibs for TRINITY support
kdialog for TRINITY/KDE4/PLASMA support
Runtime dependencies
kdialog for TRINITY/KDE4/PLASMA support
kde4-libs for KDE4 support
tdelibs for TRINITY support
konsole for KDE4/PLASMA support
trinity-konsole for TRINITY support
zenity for GNOME/MATE/CINNAMON support
nautilus, gnome-terminal for GNOME support
caja, mate-terminal for MATE support
nemo, gnome-terminal/mate-terminal for CINNAMON desktop
rpm package manager
Tuncel can be translated into many languages using Gettext Po format. If you want to translate please contact me.
If you find any bugs or have a request in mind please report at https://github.com/tarakbumba/tuncel/issues page.
Release 2.0
Bugfix: - Updated configure.ac and Makefile.am scripts for better building - Removed unnecessary programs checking for plasma - Remove nemo-actions from runtime dependencies part. There is no such tool, nemo supports actions natively <img class="decoda-emoticon" src="/emoticons/happy.png" alt=""> New: - Require Python 2.7 - Added Trinity Desktop and KF Plasma support. Deprecated: - Kde3 support is dropped.
Ratings & Comments
I dl'ed and ran ./configure but even though all the requirements were met KDE 4 files were not created, had to add --enable-kde4 as an option for it to be created which is contrary to the readme could you rename the app so that it's functionality was a bit more obvious - start, end or embed "rpm" in the name other that making it available for other de's is there anything different then rpmxdgtool? not sure why, but should it and rpmxdgtool's service menu titles be named the same? regards,
Thank you trying. It's my bad, that --enable-kde4 not mentioned in readme. May be including rpm in name reflects its purpose more. But, that is my choice to not include that. I somewhat do not like naming shcemes like that. Tuncel not much different from rpmxdgtool, besides providing context menu options for other DE's. Desktop files/options naming gives what i think a user needs. So, while forking rpmxdgtool, i did not prefer to change them.
re enabling kde: per the readme it and any other de's that met the requirements should have automatically been generated which was not the case (at least for me) I should not have had to add --enable-kde, correct? regards,
You' re just right. Please re-try with v.1.2. Thanks for your feedback.