- Copy the files (as root) wmatomp3 and wmatoogg to /usr/bin or another directory in your GNU/Linux.
- Copy the files wmatomp3.desktop and wmatoogg.destop (as root) to directory:
/$HOME/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/ --- Other GNU/Linux
/opt/kde3/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/ --- SUSE and Slackware
/usr/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenu --- Debian and "derivates"
Files necessary:
- vorbis-tools
- id3lib (optional)
- mplayer
- oggnc
- oggdec
- libogg (if necessary)
All files are disponible in apt-get (Debian and "derivates").
I need Translator!
Servicemenu WMA to MP3:
X-KDE-Submenu[en]=Convert WMA
Name[en]=WMA to MP3
Servicemenu WMA to OGG:
X-KDE-Submenu[en]=Convert WMA
Name[en]=WMA to OGG
[en]= English language
And your language?! Write down, ok?!

Ratings & Comments
This project has been obsoleted by audiokonverter.
hi, even though the installation of the bin & servive files was successful and file permissions in the working dir are o.k., it doesn't seem to function here. neither via right-click nor console.:-( entered wmatomp3 ./01.. manually in console gives following output: ... -aofile is deprecated. Use -ao pcm:file= instead. Could not find "./01 - Mc Miker G. & D.J. Sven - Holiday rap.wav". ... fortunately it hasn't deleted anything without converting before my first thought was a problem with the input file name handling. i also tried to set quotes around filenames with spaces inside. thanks in advance for a hint niko
X-KDE-Submenu[tr]=WMA çevir Name[tr]=WMA'yı OGG'ye çevir X-KDE-Submenu[tr]=WMA çevir Name[tr]=WMA'yı MP3'e çevir
An option to start one file at a time to encode, Now with this if I start encoding a folder full of wma, my system hangs after trying to start doing hundreds of encoding at once clogging memory and disk. Anil
If I take a wma and convert to ogg, everything ok. If I take the wma and convert to mp3, the mp3 doesn't show up and wma is removed!! Not good!!! This small aplications are very usefull, thanks Vjuliao
Pego no wma e se converto para ogg, beleza. Se for para mp3, não converte e pior...apaga o wma!!! Tou usando Knoppix Dá um jeitão estes pequenos aplicativos... vjuliao
your service menus are cool but it is kinda unhandy converting all thos files manually... something really cool would be an app that automates large-scale conversions. for example a program that scans a directory and converts all mp3,wma and mpc to ogg vorbis, transferring tags and autodetecting bitrates, so quality is not lost during conversion, but space isnt wasted either.... maybe something like this could even be done with kommander... anyway good work ! gotta get rid of those wmas :D
X-KDE-Submenu[es]=Convertir WMA Name[es]=de WMA a OGG X-KDE-Submenu[es]=Convertir WMA Name[es]=de WMA a MP3
Waht about some Lame options for better quality? Lame's standard options result in very poor quality.
X-KDE-Submenu[ru]=Конвертировать WMA Name[ru]=WMA в MP3 Servicemenu WMA to OGG: X-KDE-Submenu[ru]=Конвертировать WMA Name[ru]=WMA в OGG
WMA2MP3: X-KDE-Submenu[fr]=Convertir des WMA Name[fr]=de WMA à MP3 WMA2OGG: X-KDE-Submenu[fr]=Convertir des WMA Name[fr]=de WMA à OGG
X-KDE-Submenu[de]=WMA umwandeln Name[de]=WMA zu MP3 Servicemenu WMA to OGG: X-KDE-Submenu[de]=WMA umwandeln Name[de]=WMA zu OGG
Bosnian language Servisni meni WMA u MP3: X-KDE-Submenu[bs]=Konverzija WMA Name[bs]=WMA u MP3
Hi! For an easier user installation you can use the routine from my kwavencoder.ape . The purpose of your service menu is the same, just the source format is different.
The encoding is UTF-8 Servicemenu WMA to MP3: X-KDE-Submenu[ru]=Преобразовать WMA... Name[ru]=... в MP3 X-KDE-Submenu[uk]=Конвертувати WMA... Name[uk]=... в MP3 Servicemenu WMA to OGG: X-KDE-Submenu[ru]=Преобразовать WMA... Name[ru]=... в OGG X-KDE-Submenu[uk]=Конвертувати WMA... Name[uk]=... в OGG
Which program do you use to convert the files?
Servicemenu WMA to MP3: X-KDE-Submenu[it]=Converti WMA.. Name[it]=..in MP3 Servicemenu WMA to OGG: X-KDE-Submenu[it]=Converti WMA.. Name[it]=..in OGG Observation: [it]= Italian language
Servicemenu WMA to MP3: X-KDE-Submenu[de]=Konvertiere WMA Name[de]=Wandele WMA in MP3 Servicemenu WMA to OGG: X-KDE-Submenu[de]=Konvertiere WMA Name[de]=Wandle WMA in OGG Observation: [de]= German language
Servicemenu WMA to MP3: X-KDE-Submenu[es]=Convertir WMA Name[es]=WMA a MP3 Servicemenu WMA to OGG: X-KDE-Submenu[es]=Convertir WMA Name[en]=WMA a OGG Spanish ([es]paña)
Servicemenu WMA to MP3: X-KDE-Submenu[pl]=Konwertuj WMA... Name[pl]=...do MP3 Servicemenu WMA to OGG: X-KDE-Submenu[pl]=Konwertuj WMA... Name[pl]=...do OGG
Hey, My Kurumin Linux don´t accept Encoding=UTF-8. How add this? Thanks!
Here's mine translation into Bosnian: Servicemenu WMA to MP3: X-KDE-Submenu[bs]=Konvertuj WMA Name[bs]=WMA u MP3 Servicemenu WMA to OGG: X-KDE-Submenu[bs]=Konvertuj WMA Name[es]=WMA u OGG
i am really sorry i made a mistake...this one's correct! Servicemenu WMA to MP3: X-KDE-Submenu[bs]=Konvertuj WMA Name[bs]=WMA u MP3 Servicemenu WMA to OGG: X-KDE-Submenu[bs]=Konvertuj WMA Name[bs]=WMA u OGG [bs] is bosnian language!
X-KDE-Submenu[de]=Konvertiere WMA Name[de]=WMA nach MP3 Servicemenu WMA to OGG: X-KDE-Submenu[de]=Konvertiere WMA Name[de]=WMA nach OGG Observation: [de]= Deutsche Sprache
Servicemenu WMA to MP3: X-KDE-Submenu[it]=Convertir WMA Name[es]=WMA a MP3 Servicemenu WMA to OGG: X-KDE-Submenu[it]=Convertir WMA Name[es]=WMA a OGG