Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
A simple service menu to convert odt and doc files to .pdf using libreoffice 4.1
The libreoffice-path is hard coded to /opt/libreoffice4.1/ so you would have to change that if you are using another version or have installed libreoffice to another path (if you want to use the Libreoffice package provided by your distro this often is in /usr/bin/soffice).
Tested with libreoffice 4.1.4 on Debian Wheezy KDE 4.8. and on openSUSE 13.1 KDE 4.11. Last changelog:
The libreoffice-path is hard coded to /opt/libreoffice4.1/ so you would have to change that if you are using another version or have installed libreoffice to another path (if you want to use the Libreoffice package provided by your distro this often is in /usr/bin/soffice).
Tested with libreoffice 4.1.4 on Debian Wheezy KDE 4.8. and on openSUSE 13.1 KDE 4.11.
0.04 wrong encoding corrected
0.03 Spanish translation added(thanks to the Mageia i18n team)
0.02 Translations added (thanks to the Mageia i18n team)
0.01 Initial release
Ratings & Comments
The rpm for Mageia (with the translations included) http://www.mageia-gr.org/rpm/3/noarch/kde-export2pdf-servicemenu-0.01-1mgr3.noarch.rpm
Happy new year, here is the rpm with all current translations: http://www.mageia-gr.org/rpm/3/noarch/kde-export2pdf-servicemenu-0.03-1mgr3.noarch.rpm
Hello, nice, very useful service menu. Here are the translations provided from the Mageia i18n team: Name[et]=Eksport PDF-ina LibreOffice 4.1 abil Name[fr]=Exporter en PDF avec Libreoffice 4.1 Name[he]=יצוא ל־PDF עם LibreOffice 4.1 Name[id]=ekpor ke pdf dengan Libreoffice 4.1 Name[pl]=Eksportuj do PDF za pomocą Libreoffice 4.1 Name[sl]=Izvozi v pdf s programom Libreoffice 4.1 Name[tr]=LibreOffice 4.1 ile pdf olarak dışa aktar Name[uk]=Експортувати до PDF за допомогою LibreOffice 4.1
Thank you! I will put them in.
And the Spanish translation: Name[es]=Exportar a PDF con Libreoffice 4.1 (from Mageia i18n team)
I downloaded the desktop file and the Greek, Hebrew and Ukrainian encoding are broken when i open the file. Maybe they are saved with a wrong encoding on the server ? i don't think that it is a local problem because i don't have this kind of problem with other files (i used kwrite)
I think I had used the wrong encoding when I edited the file, should be UTF-8 and working now... I don't understand why I can't find this service menu through "download new services". Any ideas?
I think I had used the wrong encoding when I edited the file, should be UTF-8 and working now... I don't understand why I can't find this service menu through "download new services". Any ideas?
I think I had used the wrong encoding when I edited the file, should be UTF-8 and working now... I don't understand why I can't find this service menu through "download new services". Any ideas?
Maybe is a server problem(?). The newest service menu that i can see in the "get new stuff" window is the openvpn service menu from November. Actually it would nt work in some systems. For Mageia, i have to modify the path to /usr/bin/soffice in the spec file: http://svnweb.mageia.org/packages/cauldron/kde-export2pdf-servicemenu/current/SPECS/kde-export2pdf-servicemenu.spec?view=markup