rm $HOME/.kde/dvc/dvc.cfg
kubuntu :
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg libavcodec-unstripped-52 libavdevice-unstripped-52 libavformat-unstripped-52 libavutil-unstripped-49 libpostproc-unstripped-51 libswscale-unstripped-0 mencoder faac ffmpeg2theora vorbis-tools
Dvc is a script with a service menu for dolphin and konqueror.
it's what i want for my converter and
you wanna use it ? use it

1 select everyfile you wanna convert
2 add to the list
3 select ONLY A FILE
4 convert your files selecting
convert video------>start to convert to AVI for example.
-progress bar i have to do my skydiving i am sorry

- some formats could not work
-nokia 5800 may doesn't work if you have not everycodecs installed ...ffmpeg and unstripped stuff
-it could doesn't work for more than 1 file
Ratings & Comments
For me it's just perfect right now. =] Thx again.
The packages ffmpeg2theora and oggvideotools was missing on my system. I think the others is ok. I have the "system load" widget and when I try to convert using the menu on dolphin I cant see any activity or result. The most weird is: When I take the command from /usr/bin/dvc for Nokia 5800 "mencoder -of lavf -lavfopts format=mp4 -oac lavc -ovc lavc -lavcopts aglobal=1:vglobal=1:acodec=libfaac:vcodec=mpeg4:abitrate=128:vbitrate=800:keyint=250:mbd=1:vqmax=10:lmax=10 -ofps 25 -af lavcresample=44100 -vf harddup,scale=640:-3" and execute on terminal I get a new file converted. Note that at the end of the command I specify the [sourcefile] -o [output file]. Now when I try to execute dvc on terminal I get a different result (not using arguments): ######################## (...) mode above (...) + mp3ffmpeg='-f mp3 -ab k ' + checkprogram + program[0]=mencoder + program[1]=oggenc + program[2]=oggz-merge + program[3]=oggenc + program[4]=faac + program[5]=ffmpeg2theora + program[6]=kdialog + for program in '"${program[@]}"' + type -p mencoder + for program in '"${program[@]}"' + type -p oggenc + for program in '"${program[@]}"' + type -p oggz-merge + for program in '"${program[@]}"' + type -p oggenc + for program in '"${program[@]}"' + type -p faac + for program in '"${program[@]}"' + type -p ffmpeg2theora + for program in '"${program[@]}"' + type -p kdialog + case "$1" in + echo ###########################
mmm you have to add your file with the service menu. then select only a file and select convert to nokia 5800 REMEMBER YOU HAVE TO ADD MEDIBUNTU REPOSITORY AND INSTALL CORRECTLY FFMPEG WITH EVERY CODECS ... sudo apt-get install ffmpeg libavcodec-unstripped-52 libavdevice-unstripped-52 libavformat-unstripped-52 libavutil-unstripped-49 libpostproc-unstripped-51 libswscale-unstripped-0 if you want try with the terminal you have to add file always with the the service menu (enqueque files) then dvc nokia5800 and NOT nokia 58000 INPUT OUTput or something like that just add to your list files and say to dvc what you want another exampple dvc start-mp3 it will convert every file it has in this file $HOME/.kde/dvc/dvc.txt
remember even mencoder should be installed with medibuntu repository already added
another thing.... mencoder has a bug ... so a lots of flash video cannot be converted well with mencoder use ffmpeg :) it works very well on my nokia xD good luck i am sorry but i have few time and i read too much fast :) so i answered in this way with many messagges
cybertux cybertux - Joel Teixeira last visit 10min ago 0 friends 0 groups other contents send a message add as friend more info - - no problem at all =] I have medibuntu repo: dpkg -l mencoder ii mencoder 2:1.0~rc3+svn20090426-1ubuntu16+medibuntu1 Sorry, I wasn't being clear before and I confused you. I'm not trying to use the terminal, I'm using Dolphin. I click on a single file (avi/mp4/flv - I tried different formats) and into the service menu I chose one option (Nokia / Mp4 / Avi - Tried different outputs either). As I didn't got any result, I decided to look the code on /usr/bin/dvc and used the line on 5800 this way: mencoder -of lavf -lavfopts format=mp4 -oac lavc -ovc lavc -lavcopts aglobal=1:vglobal=1:acodec=libfaac:vcodec=mpeg4:abitrate=128:vbitrate=800:keyint=250:mbd=1:vqmax=10:lmax=10 -ofps 25 -af lavcresample=44100 -vf harddup,scale=640:-3 ./video-source.avi -o video-output.mp4 video-source.avi is one video that I already have, and the video-output.mp4 is only one argument that I used to try the script and see if it works on my system enviroment. The command works and I got one new converted file. What I did not understood was: if the code line of Nokia 5800 worked using terminal, why when I try to use the service with the same video It doesn't. After run your "sudo apt-get intall..." i got these new packages: The following extra packages will be installed: libavdevice-extra-52 The following packages will be REMOVED: libavdevice52 The following NEW packages will be installed: libavdevice-extra-52 libavdevice-unstripped-52 libavformat-unstripped-52 libavutil-unstripped-49 libpostproc-unstripped-51 libswscale-unstripped-0 And now seems to be working fine. Sometimes it doesn't but it just with some files. Minors problems that i detect here is, the Kdialog is not closing by itself (I cant say for sure, I just used a few times) and the "multimedia info" just says ID_EXIT=EOF. But this is not a problem or a necessity to me, and close the kdialog is easy like a button push on my mouse. =] Thank you for all assistance. dvc is exactly what I was looking for for long time now.
Sorry about the header of this comment, my internet connection failed while I was posting and I copied and pasted into a new reply without realize I had copied more than my message.
:) i have made some stuff but now i am busy y are welcome
I'm using Kubuntu 10.04 64bits and I try to use on dolphin nothing happens. When I run dvc on shell I got this: ############################## (...) + for program in '"${program[@]}"' + type -p ffmpeg2theora + echo 'ffmpeg2theora not found; PLEASE INSTALL IT' ffmpeg2theora not found; PLEASE INSTALL IT + echo 'error exiting...' error exiting... + echo + echo 'You need of xrandr and...' You need of xrandr and... + echo 'For debian : ffmpeg2theora' oggenc oggz-merge oggenc faac ffmpeg2theora 'kdialog ' For debian : ffmpeg2theora oggenc oggz-merge oggenc faac ffmpeg2theora kdialog + exit 1 ############################## I tried to install the missing packages but looks that is not available to me.
have you installed mencoder mplayer?
and of course you must have ffmpeg2theora...
this tooo sudo apt-get install oggz-tools oggvideotools