Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Often I watch movies with Italian subtitles. The file contains the text of the subtitle is a classic ".srt" file, downloaded from websites specializing in subtitles.
Before I see my films I am forced to rename the subtitle file, giving it the name of the movie (unless srt extension), as to enable mplayer or kaffeine (or other movieplayers) to automatically open the subtitle file.
So I decided to create this ServiceMenu. It allows, once selected video file and right click on it, to automatically assign subtitles.
Author: Felice Murolo - Salerno - Italy
eMail: linuxboy@RE-MO-VEfel.hopto.org (delete RE-MO-VE and send your email)
Copyright Info: Released under GPL license
Note: using zenity instead of kdialog (with some little changes in abbina_subs) make it also works for gnome and nautilus.
Decompress archive source, open a konsole into directory and write this:
$> cp dot_kde-share-kde4-services-ServicesMenus/*.desktop $HOME/.kde/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus
$> sudo cp usr-bin/* /usr/bin
$> sudo chmod a+x /usr/bin/abbina_subs
NOTE: in Plasma5, you can use it copying dot_kde-share-kde4-services-ServicesMenus/*.desktop in ~/.local/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus/ Last changelog:
Before I see my films I am forced to rename the subtitle file, giving it the name of the movie (unless srt extension), as to enable mplayer or kaffeine (or other movieplayers) to automatically open the subtitle file.
So I decided to create this ServiceMenu. It allows, once selected video file and right click on it, to automatically assign subtitles.
Author: Felice Murolo - Salerno - Italy
eMail: linuxboy@RE-MO-VEfel.hopto.org (delete RE-MO-VE and send your email)
Copyright Info: Released under GPL license
Note: using zenity instead of kdialog (with some little changes in abbina_subs) make it also works for gnome and nautilus.
Decompress archive source, open a konsole into directory and write this:
$> cp dot_kde-share-kde4-services-ServicesMenus/*.desktop $HOME/.kde/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus
$> sudo cp usr-bin/* /usr/bin
$> sudo chmod a+x /usr/bin/abbina_subs
NOTE: in Plasma5, you can use it copying dot_kde-share-kde4-services-ServicesMenus/*.desktop in ~/.local/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus/
07 Aug 2010 1st version, 1.0a
14 Aug 2010 1.01a - minor fix in abbina_subs script (thanks to Yuri Bongiorno)
Ratings & Comments
1 Comment
Io di solito trascino direttamente il file srt sulla finestra del player con il filmato che va, ma se sei solito rinominare i file questo service menu è l'ideale. Dovresti pubblicizzarlo sul forum di itasa ( http://www.italiansubs.net/forum/index.php ), tanto se scarichi i sottotitoli da lì sei già iscritto!