PDF Toolkit service menu

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When I began to wrote PDF Toolkit service menu in december 2004, I didn't think that people would like it so much.

But now, egregorion has improved a lot PDF Toolkit service menu. So you may find usefull to get it. See http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=37321

Many thanks to the translators.
Thank you for the kind messages.
Here is a simple servicemenu for PDF files
- give master password
- give user password
- allow only printing
- watermark
- extract a range of pages
- join PDF files

binary required (should be available on your distribution) :
- pdftk (eg.: urpmi pdftk on Mandrakelinux)

Extract the archive
Place the desktop files to :
- /home/user/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/
- or, according to your distribution, eg. for Mandriva: /usr/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/
Ubuntu: /opt/kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus
Last changelog:

egregorion has improved a lot PDF Toolkit service menu. So you may find usefull to get it. See http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=37321

- v0.6 added polish translation, thank you Sylwester Gruszka
- v0.5 cosmetic changes + new way to Join PDF files with kdialog instead of selecting them first
- v0.4 passive popups and portuguese translation added (thank you Joí£o Pedro Gomes)
- v0.3 German translation (thank you Bernd Knoettig) and notes added. I really think kommander could do something wonderfull
- v0.2 kdialog use for Join option
- 09.01.2005, add a kommander screenshot, will try to release a first go.

Ratings & Comments



THX Chris


It would be nice to keep the order of pdf files in multi-join selection.. bye


You are right. Unfortunaly, I don't know how to do it easily. It depends the way files are currently sorted by konqui: by name, by date... But you can try in the dialogbox to reorder the filenames between double quotes "".


Both this toolkit and the "other" one (more and differing options), require pdftk be installed. Emphasize this--I never saw either servicemenu work until I saw this tidbit practically invisible among all the other items. apt-get install pdftk and voile.


Hi, I've translated it into polish but I can't sent it to you, I get an error mail, with something like that: ----- Transcript of session follows ----- 451 4.4.1 reply: read error from smtp.hittite.isp.9tel.net. ... while talking to mx-cache.isdnet.net.: (here's your e-mail adsress)... Mailbox disabled for this recipient -------- Where else can I send it? Mail me please.


Well, so I'm going to join you. Thank you for your feedback.


I haven't been able to find a pdfnup.conf file anywhere on my system. My understanding is I have to create one, as in ~/.pdfnup.conf. I want to use use letter and legal size. What should I put in this file to do so. Thanks


pdfnup comes from pdfjam See http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/statistics/staff/academic/firth/software/pdfjam/ and please check if pdfjam is installed properly on your system.


Its installed and obviously running but I don't find this file. I'll contact the author of pdfjam and ask him what I should put into the file. Thanks for the url and info as well as the servicemenu. Its very useful!


Hi, in which directory must I put the both desktop file on the ubuntu distib due to the fact I don't find any servicemenu under the .kde/konqueror subdirectories. Thanks, Bye. Miguipda


Here perhaps: /opt/kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus


The GUI is good but it needs something like an OK button to make it do the given task. Otherwise, I'd say you have something there.


Thanks for this very helpful servicemenue. But where comes the screenshot comes from? Is is a program for pdftk? Greetings from germany Chris


The screenshot comes from the archive (test.kdr). It's a test of a GUI made in 5 minutes with Kommander, but just a test. I had a conversation with a developper who says Kommander would be ideal for that kind of work. Unfortunnaly I have very few time.


Hi, on my Suse 9.3 box the join doesn't work. I select join of page1.pdf and choose page2.pdf when the file dialog opens. All I get is the message done (no question for a target file name). The result is that both files page1.pdf and page2.pdf contains the same page. (The second one). Any idea? Thanks, Jochen PS: Further features beneficial at least to me would be joining multiple documents and resorting of pages. Removal of pages would be good as well. Remove page 5 from a 10 page document has to be done via multiple operations so far.


Just select 1.pdf 2.pdf together and then join ;)


Oups, I forget to ask you if the watermak directory must set somewhere special ? Thanks and have a nice day, Miguipda ;-))


Hi, I'm really interresting of your pdf toolkit. But I can't install it on my suse 9.2 due to the fact I can't find a servicemene under my konqueror directory on the .kde or the /usr/share explained path. Could you then tell me where must I put it ? Sincerely thank you ;-)


Copy to: /opt/kde3/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/ After, click on pdf file and go to Actions


Hi! Thanks for this nice collection of service menu entries!! As far as I have tested this, I found one entry not to be functioning correctly: watermarking. 1. You use perl to add the extra "-watermark" to the filename. I guess everybody has perl installed but why not use plain sed... I very much guess this is a matter of taste and doesn't matter whatsoever as long as it works ;-) 2. the correct synatax (at least for the pdftk version that I have installed on my MDK10.1 system (pdftk-1.00-1mdk) is: pdftk input.pdf output output.pdf background background.pdf You have the output and background switched and therefor no output is produced. so my corrected Exec-line looks like this (note the switch from perl to sed which I initially thought was the problem but you can happily ignore) Exec=pdftk %f output "`echo %f | sed -e 's/.pdf/-watermark.pdf/g'`" background `kdialog --getopenfilename . application/pdf`;kdialog --title "Watermark PDF" --msgbox "Done" Put the above all in one line like in the original entry! J.


Thanks for your feedback. Indeed sed does the job too! For the watermark entry, I can assure you it does work. But, I've only tested it with pdftk-1.11-1mdk on 10.1 not with prior versions.


I will be make teste in my Kurumin Linux with PDF Toolkit - Join - and I discovery that it function something with one word in sentence after kdialog is open and save (something) in directory of usuary, in my case "/home/kurumin". Examples: I will go two archives: Archive1.pdf Archive2.pdf and something to save with one name, don't two names and space between its. Archivetotal.pdf (correct) Archive Total.pdf (incorrect) See this case for us, please.


Your right. It does not go with special caracters in the name of the PDF to join, like é à è ... Do not hesitate to propose me a solution. I'll see what I can do for that.


Ok, my friend! Thank you for your help. I am waiting for your solution int this case. Don´t remember that the problem in to save in the another directory in join pdf, ok!? :-)


Sagittarius. I don't manage to do Join between two archives PDF. There are problem in servicemenu? I don't get join two archives. First I selection the pdf and after I selection another and nothing. See to me please! ;-)

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version 0.6
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