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Make easy clone, delete and view the icons in your folder theme icons with four new actions in konqueror:

1. Clone icon: Make a copy of the current selecction (one or more files)
But, only at smaller destinations, by example: If your select one icon of 64x64 pixel in APPS, the script make the 32x32/apps version, 22x22/apps version and 16x16/apps version in the same folder, but not the 128x128 and other larger versions.

2. Trash smaller icons: (previous confirmation dialog) Move at the Trash the other smaller icons. By example, if you select the file 64x64/apps/konqueror.png, the script move to Trash the files 32x32/apps/konqueror.png , 22x22/apps/konqueror.png, but not the files 128x128/apps/konqueror.png and larger versions

3. Trash others icons: (previous confirmation dialog) Move to the Trash ALL the other files, except the current selection. By example, if you select the file 64x64/apps/konqueror.png, the script move to Trahs the files apps/konqueror.png in 128x128 96x96 72x72 56x56 48x48 32x32 22x22 16x16.
USE THIS OPTION WITH CARE, or you dont want to visit your trash...

4. View clones: Show in a pasive popup all icons called like the current selecction in the "size folders": 128x128 96x96 72x72 64x64 56x56 48x48 32x32 22x22 16x16. Take a look at captura.png in tar file.
Last changelog:

0.2.1 Fixed a problem with charset
0.2 Translated to italian language provided by Vinzenzo Reale
0.1 First version (English and Spanish)

Ratings & Comments



9 TY!


Bravo! Dunno how many times this one's cloned my icons! Thanks!


hi, the script seems running some thing, but after it, I do not find any new or cloned icons. where does it store them?


You need to have Imagemagic installed. Run the script via a terminal and see if there are commands it can't find.


yea, I have the imagemagick installed. will try the terminal though. I hadnt enogh time to look at it closer. anyway Thnx 4 the advice. ssuuddoo


This script is awful! I tried to use it a lot of times, none of these with a successful ending. This time I found out that it is able to waste smaller icon but unable to clone icon. The result? All my little-sized icon are in the trash (fortunately) and, against my thoughts, I haven't smaller clones of icons I like. It could be useful if your script could report errors to notice if something goes wrong.


This would be perfect for me if it were to handle smaller to bigger icons but even so , very useful.


Sorry, I dont understand you. You want resize a icon of 32x32 pixels to 96x96 pixels (by example), this?


Yes, that's what I meant, though I realise it may not be possible. I have a heavily customised icon set and being able to scale them bigger using something like this would be useful (though it is still very useful as it is) but I'm not sure how that would work out quality wise.

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version 0.2.1
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