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Ratings & Comments
OK, ok. I wrote that if you mentioned the licensor's name, it DOES NOT tell me what the rights are I can use the font with. I haven't known it till now. I searched the net. So you'd had be corect the rights at the very start, but NOT ME.
Tatto Parlour font is Freeware, Non-Commercial and licenced by Gaut Fonts.
Yes Mr. brrtkr tatto font is freeware and licensed to person J F Y Daniel Gauthier Gautfonts. And I see i think i had written that same Gaut Fonts in license box like you wrote in your comment. Would you like to take a look on my license? at the end? Gaut Fonts. Is it wrong I wrote the licensed with the person name in detail rather than yours with just Gautfonts.
ziddu seems uncooperative with KDE. After the bombardment of failed pop ups, I don't want to try it with Firefox. I did get to the download once and after entering the text in image verification, still lost it. The font looks cool, but too much work. Thanks.
Its ok. Sometimes ziddu server get hang on, but you should try it again until you get the font file to download. :)