Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Formerly known as GNOME-Shell-KDE.
Dark black KDE Plasma theme.
Tested on KDE Plasma 5.8 LTS.
Extract the downloaded KDE Plasma theme to
2.8 – 02.11.2016
- ready for KDE Plasma 5.8 LTS
- some changes like calendar event
2.7 – 05.09.2016
- some small changes
2.6 – 19.08.2016
- changes at bar_meter, scrollbar, slider and others
2.5 – 29.07.2016
- refined phone, kdeconnect and distribute icon
2.4 – 26.07.2016
- added focus and hover for lineedit
- some finetuning and refined several icons especially for network
2.3.5 – 09.07.2016
- fixed icon background at lock-screen
2.3 – 04.07.2016
- recoloured progress to green
- some other small changes
- renamed the plasma theme
2.2 – 14.06.2016
-added progress in tasks
- refined some icons
2.0 – 09.06.2016
- adapted for KDE Plasma 5, changed icons and some other changes
1.0 – 29.12.2013
- Initial release
Ratings & Comments
3 Jarring use of black & white in panel.
9 + i like the colour selection and the curve edges
9 very good
Hi, this is a great theme, very nice! I just have a problem with the panel size (using version 1.2), as it is bigger with this theme, it is like there is an empty margin. Here is a image comparative to show the size issue. http://imgur.com/a/cRXTJ#1 If I decrease the panel size, the icons also become smaller, and the margin persists.
I second this. When i try to choose icons from another theme the kickoff and calendar backgrounds becomes really weird.
Hi, sorry for answering so late. Do you mean the panel-icons or when you change Icon-theme? Can you add a screenshot?
Hi, sorry for responsing so late. Does the problem still exist? If you mean that the open applications in the side-panel are not centered between left and right side, I suppose it depends on the big side-elements of the background to get rounded corner. I tried to fix it but I have no Idea, sorry.
Hi, the issue is still present in version 1.3. Maybe it has something to do with the panel size or the applets, I have Lancelot, QuickAccess, Icon-Only task manager, Quicklaunch, System Tray and Digital Clock.
I like it. Also KDM and Splash.
I like a lot of themes so I downloaded a few of them. Now I have the task of failing to install them. I am using linuxmint 16 kde; how do I install these themes?
You can install the theme directly with the KDE tools. Open the "System Settings" with your Menu then got to "Worksppace Appearance" -> "Desktop Theme" -> "Get New Themes". And install the theme you want. Or like described above. Download the theme and extract it in: /home/YOUR NAME/.kde/share/apps/desktoptheme. You hav to make the folder ".kde" visible with Dolphin -> Show Hidden Files. Both should also work with LinuxMint.
Not bad
Very nice :)