Neon Plasma theme by FRUiT
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Added neon Lancelot skin
Bugs corrected (some images not embedded)
Full-width docked panel background reworked
No-compositing appearence improved
KDE 4.6 update
- Lancelot improved
- Blue plasma icons
- Colors improved
- Etc...
- More neon icons
- Neonized sliders
- Small improvements
- Theme entirely converted to svgz
- Opacity changes
- Brand new notes layout
Ratings & Comments
Best theme ever I'm using it for like 3 months
A new version for kde4.7 is on the way. I entirely reworked each part to let only pure svg objects and remove every ugly embedded bitmaps. Comming soon.
Où trouve t'on le fond d'écran ? Where could I find the wallpaper ? Sinon, beau travail :)
Tu peux trouver le fond d'écran dans le thème ksplash ou le thème kdm de la suite neon. http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Neon+KSplash+blue+by+FRUiT?content=111200 L'original est normalement contenu dans le paquet : kdewallpapers Sinon tu peux chercher son nom sur google il s'appelle emotion. Exemple : http://i.linuxtoy.org/i/k4/emotion-thumb.jpg
oups, trompé le lien : http://i.linuxtoy.org/i/k4/emotion.jpg
I could never work with dark themes, and this is the only one I enjoy to use. Please improve the color scheme to be smoother with text and then we can have a perfect combo. I currently use the Balance by LMolr color scheme that integrates fairly well with your theme and icons. Anyways, thank you for sharing this nice theme!
>>> Please improve the color scheme to be smoother with text and then [...] Could you be more accurate ? What's wrong with neon color-scheme exactly ? What would you expect ?
I think white or light grey in text areas would make text more readable. For example, it's impossible to read e-mails in Kmail. Libreoffice apps also suffer from black working areas. Eric4 python IDE also has black background in the document area. You can apply the color scheme I mentioned earlier and see if it fits better with your theme. IMHO, it does. This is only my humble opinion of course, others may prefer it the way it is now:P. Anyway, not a big deal as colors can be customized easily. As I said previously, your work is much appreciated.
Ok I see now. I think I won't do a gray BG (main reason is I don't like gray), nor a normal black text on light BG. For me it is an ethical matter. IMO, an application MUST be able to deal with a black BG and reversed text, otherwise it is really a very bad app. I simply boycott such apps ^^ But as you said, colorschemes and themes in KDE are versatile and simply enough to get the desktop you want in a few steps by yourself. Anyway thanks for your support. Cheers ^^
nice... !
ty ^^'
Theme ready for KDE 4.6. Cheers.
After upgrading to KDE 4.4 the lancelot theme is messed up. It's showing menus on top of menus. Anyone else seeing this?
Where can I find the wallpaper present in these pics?
You can find some in the neon ksplash theme, in different resolutions. Or also in the neon kdm theme. This wallpaper is provided with kde (package kdebase-workspace-wallpapers) I have just darken it a bit. It's original name is 'emotion'.
In kde-wallpaper packet this wallpaper is absent
Dude, I'm switching to KDE because of you! Thank you so much for this!
^^' ty
which color scheme are you using? is it on kde-look?
The color-scheme is provided in the Neon suite archive, you can find it there : http://www.secteur7.net/neon.php I did not submit it yet on kde-look.
Not working Provided URL not working.. http://www.secteur7.net/neon.php
Icons DL link fixed, but the one for the entire theme.
Instant fav :)
Hey ty :)