Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
-redesign lancelot
-improved extenders
-opaque version(finally!)
-panel background changes: when full width there are no shadow,
-some more improvements
-some little improvmnets that makes it complete (well, of course there is always something to do
-improved extenders, RSS
-lancelot theme (not yet finished)
-other improvments
Ratings & Comments
Hi, I´ve been using this theme for a while now and I´m really satisfied with it. But with KDE 4.7, there´s a bug with pop up window like calendar and notifications area .. do you think you can fix it .. I don´t to change my theme because of KDE 4.7. Thank you
I too had this issue with KDE 4.7. It seems that none of the configurable theme items in the Desktop Theme settings affect these pop up windows. However, a workaround that strangely works for me (4.7.97) is: 1. Select a similar theme in System Settings > Workspace Appearance > Desktop Theme, Theme tab - themes like Air, Aya, Glassified, Oxywin etc. - and apply settings. 2. On the Details tab, manually switch all the Theme Items to Eleonora to force the creation of a Customized theme; apply settings. Somehow my Notifications popup window now thinks the previous theme is active and displays correctly, while the rest of the desktop looks just like Eleonora. Apart from this slight issue, great theme!
I became a fan of Eleonora instantly, when I saw it running smoothly with Chakra. However, the Calendar handle totally screws up the whole Calendar. Can you fix it?
Allready I find Eleonora the most beautifull plasma theme. Perhaps it's only me, but I would like it very much if Kickoff had the same background as the panel has. It would make Eleonora even more sophisticated. But I don't know how to get this done.
yes, is a great and a fun theme ! lol It is possible, invert text from black to white ?
I used this theme for a while and loved it! It looks very professional. The only flaw I noticed was that the panel boarder is kind of wide so that there is a gap between it and maximized windows.
I have found that with this theme there is no way to resize the panel so that it is not the entire width of the screen. In order to do that I had to switch back to air, resize the panel, and then switch back...
I've checked it out in Pardus 2009, OpenSuse 11 and 11.1 with kde 4.3 and 4.2.2 and didn't find that something is wrong. could you please write something more or even some screenshot (e-mail to me: pmarki(at)o2.pl. thanks
With two plasma notifications at same time, second displays default oxy black skin with black fonts instead eleonora.
I'm stuck with a notebook not capable of composite so the panels of your excellent theme are solid for me (contrary to the widgets which are semi-transparent as they shall be). This leads to a little problem: The color gradient of the panels at their darkest side is black - and the same is the font color. Therefore I cannot see which time the clock in the upper panel shows, because the upper part of the panel is black. And I cannot see the date in the clock when I add it to the bottom panel because there the bottom of the panel is black. :( It's also a little hard to read the entries in the task manager widget, especially those for minimized windows. A somewhat lighter gradient for the panels would be helpful. It still wouldn't be optimal but at least one could better guess what's written.
sorry, I didn't make it for non composite use, so it can look ugly. but I'll tray fix it as soon as possible.
As a workaround, install and use the adjustable clock plasmoid, which will let you change the color of its font among many other things.
Thanks for the hint. I'll try.
Thank you very much for your work. Now I use your theme as it fits my needs.
What is thw plasmoid up to system monitor ng, that indicate cpu frequecy and ram? thank you, nice theme :)
here it is: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/simply+CPU+and+RAM?content=99499
There's extenders displaying error. When there's few extenders in group only one has correct background. The others has default oxygen background and are unreadable, due to black text on black background.
Thanks, I thought that it's plasma bug :) Improved.
Looks great! Good chance to become my favorite theme. BTW: Where can I get that desktop clock?
It's just superkaramba theme: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/3D+Desktop+Clock?content=95681
Hello, where can i find this wallpaper? archy24
Thanks for the theme! I like it's glass style very much. You know the problem of the gap between a maximized window and the kicker; You find it also with KDE 4.2 (build 86.something, I believe). But it seems to disappear if plasmoids are locked...
i know that theme is not complete but when i put my windows to fullscreen there is a little but noticeable gap between window and panel (lower panel with task manager, systray...). hope you will fix this soon, i am using KDE 4.1.4
well, it's not a bug, it is because shadow is part of svg file, so kwin treat it as part of panel. I like these shadow so it must be as it is :)