Slim Glow
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
The theme is now available both on kde-look and in the kdegraphics module packaged by your favourite distribution.
I don't read comments here. If you want to tell me something, you can try on IRC #plasma channel. If you want to report an issue, use bugs.kde.org.
5.0: Even slimmer version for 4.10
with Font Awesome (http://fortawesome.github.com/Font-Awesome) icons
4.0: New, slimmer version prepared for KDE SC 4.5
2.9.0: (will be uploaded after 4.2 final hits the servers)
- started development of the 3rd generation of theme
- new panels and task buttons
- complete theme revamp - reimplemented backgrounds, tooltips, panels... (preparing for KDE 4.2)
- changed taskbar (originally created for the Glaze theme)
- changed notes
0.6: Preparations for KDE 4.1
- altered panels - panels that are not 100% wide or high are almost transparent
- changed hints
- added translucent background
- krunner background
- tasks theme
- different panel looks for differently placed panels (left, right, top, bottom) - requires the SVN version of KDE (4.1)
- removed Lancelot theme from the package
- changed the panel a bit (including the opaque version)
- changed borders of the logout screen
- Theme for Lancelot included
- Removed non-default theme elements
- Installable through GHNS
- Plasma dialog background
- Opaque plasma dialog background (used when compositing is turned off)
0.1: Initial release
- widget background
- clock
- notes applet theme
Ratings & Comments
The horizontal bar that represents the amount of disk space used goes missing when i activate this theme. This is for the default Hard Disk Space Usage Widget supplied in Kubuntu 16.04. hope that you can try to fix this. thanks.
I love this theme and have been using it for several years. However, I recently discovered that, when used with Plasma 5.5 & 5.6, the panel length arrows do not appear when resizing a panel and you have to guess their location. These are the markers at either end of the panel that are used for resizing the panel. This is only a problem with the Slim Glow theme in that the other themes that I have tried properly render the panel length arrows. I prefer the Slim Glow Theme so I hope that you will fix this. Many thanks for your work! Gordon Dickens
Somebody tell me how to delete these mutliple posts. They appeared when I reloaded my browser and I did not intend to double post the message. Sorry!
I love this theme and have been using it for several years. However, I recently discovered that, when used with Plasma 5.5 & 5.6, the panel length arrows do not appear when resizing a panel and you have to guess their location. These are the markers at either end of the panel that are used for resizing the panel. This is only a problem with the Slim Glow theme in that the other themes that I have tried properly render the panel length arrows. I prefer the Slim Glow Theme so I hope that you will fix this. Many thanks for your work! Gordon Dickens
Somebody tell me how to delete these mutliple posts. They appeared when I reloaded my browser and I did not intend to double post the message.
I love this theme and have been using it for several years. However, I recently discovered that, when used with Plasma 5.5 & 5.6, the panel length arrows do not appear when resizing a panel and you have to guess their location. These are the markers at either end of the panel that are used for resizing the panel. This is only a problem with the Slim Glow theme in that the other themes that I have tried properly render the panel length arrows. I prefer the Slim Glow Theme so I hope that you will fix this. Many thanks for your work! Gordon Dickens
Just so you know I've posted a modified version of your Slim Glow colour scheme on my page. I have only modified the colour scheme not the theme and have credited you for creating the original. Please check the screenshots/download it and tell me what you think please (improvements are welcome) This is my first time uploading anything so any tips would be helpful. Also if you want me to remove it let me know and I'll be glad to oblige you. Like I said I'm new at this and if I've broken any rules let me know and I'll correct it at once.
This is a very nice theme. Congratulations!
The alt-tab "informative" version doesn't theme. It's opaque and looks generally ugly. I notice that a lot of themes have this problem (Produkt is one that doesn't, and Air of course).
Great theme, though I do prefer the Oxygen tray icons over Slim Glow's. E.g. the scissors for klipper look really jagged. Still, REALLY nice theme!
Hi, somehow the "full battery" icon seems not to have been updated, please see this link: http://ompldr.org/iaDg5aw Is this a bug? By the way, this is the best KDE plasma theme I know of. Great work.
Wow I just love it! The way it have been improved, amazing! I prefer it to ronak now thanks to the new look of taskbars. Bravo (this 4.10 version will be something)
This is definitely one of the best plasma themes!
A little bit creepy.
Have no idea... will have to see where the heck it takes that icon from. Thanks for reporting!
Should be OK now - it was a question mark character that got rendered like that for some reason - I've converted the letter to paths, and it is ok now. Don't forget to clear cache after updating.
hello, what's that rss applet is tray?
It is not a RSS applet, it is akregator's tray icon
Hello, I am missing this my favorite theme in KDE 4.6 (Kubuntu packages). What happen?
Hello, forget this post. Everything is OK now. During upgrade from KDE 4.5.5 to 4.6.0 was not installed appropriate package.
Yes indeed. This is one of the few themes I actually like.
Really good theme -- fantastic job! I've noticed a minor glitch when using this theme with KDE 4.4: The icons for all the buttons show up dark with a light shadow, making them very difficult to read. The Glaze theme has the same problem. Any chance of getting this fixed? Cheers!
Yes, it will be fixed in KDE SC 4.6
Doesn't work with KDE 4.3 RC2 (view as "Air")
The same here on 4.3 RC3