Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
It may not be to everyone's taste, but hopefully someone finds this useful.
To install: It is now included with KDE. In between major KDE point releases, updates can be installed using "New Themes" in the Desktop Settings dialog.
Note: The shutdown dialog theme in the version provided here works only with KDE 4.1.4 and later.
2.0.3 sorry for the frequent small updates. Mild OCD keeps compelling me to fiddle...
- softened systray outline and systray expander outline. They looked a little harsh after working on Atelier.
- yelled at the focused task theme item to "straighten up and look right". Should look better now. :-)
- *very" minor tweak to analog clock.
- to make sure changes show up for KDE 4.2 users, the package now contains the svgz files for the changed items since the 4.2 was released. You don't have to do anything special. It should work like any other update.
2.0.1 *very* minor tweak to very slightly lighten the panel outline. Helps panel edges be a little less "line-y" on mid-tone to lighter backgrounds.
2.0 Ready for 4.2 release .
- Squeezed in a few more refinements to several components for 2.0. (2.0 is whatever gets released with KDE 4.2)
1.99 Updated in preparation for the 4.2 release. I'd like to acknowledge inspiration for updates to some components from the author of the super-great, uber-awesome Arezzo theme.
- Many changes to almost all components.
- Note: The version provided here on kde-look contains uncompressed SVGs so it will work with KDE 4.1.
1.3 (updated download file)
- Apparently the I never updated the download file for the last vesion so it never matched what's actually in 4.1. That's corrected now. (geez I'm an idiot...). I'm only marking it as updated so that those who may have screwed up the version that came with KDE 4.1 by installing from here (via GHNS) can restore it properly.
1.3 updated to match svn version:
- Updated task item theme (smaller borders)
- More substantial looking pager
- Updated system tray theme (inspired by the really, really good Arezzo theme)
1.2.3 updated to match svn version:
- Updated shutdown dialog to work with new button sizes.
- Slightly more translucent background.
- Minor update for tasks and pager.
- Added transclucent background (used by Folder View)
- Updated task item theme
- Updated clock hands and added hand shadows.
- Added systemtray.svg to overide visual inconsistency with default systemtray theme.
- Added shutdown dialog theme.
- Added pager theme.
- Updated taskitem theme to work with new theming code.
- Corrected a number placement issue on clock face and slightly misaligned glass.
- Improved panel highlighting for panel widths < 100%.
- Corrected to keep krunner theme working.
1.0.2 - Minor bugfix for corners of tooltip.
1.0.1 - Minor bugfix for topright element of panel (was only noticable with panel < 100% width).
1.0 - Ok, I think I'm satisfied with this one... for now... :-)
- Fixed HandleCenterScrew on clock.
- slight modification for dialog borders
- added different panels for west and east screen locations.
- Updated task item theming to fit in better with overall theme.
- Adjustments to clock face to improve balance.
- Updated analog meter.
- Lightened dialogs to better match colors used by style.
- Slightly modified task item theme
- New clock
- Fixed a couple minor visual bugs in panel background and dialogs.
- Submit for Plasma Theme Contest.
0.9.1: added task item theming (again, needs latest svn version of KDE).
0.9: A couple very minor pixel imperfections remain. (Inkscape svg rendering is a touch different from QT4 svg rendering).
Ratings & Comments
10 10 the best unique design
9 + Pretty good theme. working fine for me in Plasma 5.15
3 - it is for unsupported KDE4
It is a very nice idea to let plasma use system color schemes. However, I have a problem in aya with dark color schemes. If you select any dark color scheme in system settings; say obsidian with aya as the plasma theme, then, you will not be able to see text in the text box when you select 'add widget' from your desktop. The text is very light such that it does not allow you to see what you are typing. When I change to another theme, e.g. oxygen I can see the text in the textbox. I installed the latest aya (from kde-look.org) locally in my desktop. I am not sure whether this is due to a bug in kde plasma or an issue related to aya theme though.
Great theme, thank you. However it would be more readable, if minimized windows had gray or semi-transparent font in the taskbar. Could you add this?
Another problem I noticed: The pager displays only windows' frames, so you cannot differ a maximized window from an empty desktop. Quite annoying :/ Windows should have a darker filling, or you should fix maximized windows frame drawing, so that it is visible.
You say that this theme uses system colors. But the hidden panel glow (shown when mouse is near the screen edge) is always light blue. I have no such color in my settings. Is it possible to change the color of this glow? It should either be set to the selection color, or (even better) be configurable independently. Thanks.
Very good theme, all colors are what I need. The only problem, is silver buttons in widgets, and white text fields. They look alien, I thought they must be pink or whatever... in my color scheme. There is no such colors in systemsettings/appearance/colors! http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/7849/aya.png
Please remove black border if it's still there from opaque style. It looks ugly...
It's very nice, clean and simple!
I really like them and the theme, of course, so please can you tell me the fonts you use? thanks.
Droid Sans. :-)
I like it. My question is: Can you please point me to an explanation of how this works. Also, is there a way to increase the transparency of the Panel (which is 100% Opaque)?
First, I do not understand why major themes are not tracked at bugs.kde.org. Any reason for this? Minimized Windows are not distinguished enough. I can't see at first glance which windows are active.
I find this theme one of the best. Only one thing makes me avoid using it: the effect of the white shadows in fonts is kind of unpleasant, doesn't convince me mainly in the taskbar. May be a soften shadow or not shadow at all in taskbar should fit better and white fonts with dark shadows in the desktop could be better even the overall theme is not dark. Is it possible to change those settings manually? Thank you
The text and shadow rendering is handled by the widget itself (in this case the tasks widget). Perhaps they'll add to the tasks widget an option to change the text color or not show a shadow (like the folderview currently does). It's an option I wouldn't mind myself. :-)
I don't use this theme for the same reason. White shadows are strange and it is very annoying. Hope you find a solution. Cheers.
As a whole theme's almost ideal, but please think of progress-bars design in future releases… maybe something kinda liquid glass (nearly flat, not drop-shaped) should look better?
P.S. And pls think of scrollbars design in next releases: when scrollbar is small its empty metallic surface makes it look like some button.
Pls can u tell me what wallpaper u use? Nice.
Hi, I have a question. I would like to change the aspect of a taskbar item receiving the "attention" event. Currently, when I receive a message in a kopete window that doesn't have focus, it looks like this: http://img125.imageshack.us/my.php?image=attentionrk0.jpg But I would prefer it to look like a focused item: http://img217.imageshack.us/my.php?image=focushv0.jpg As I am not a plasma theme expert, I wanted to ask what I should change to get the desired result (an svg file maybe?) Thanks for your help, Tom
The svg file handling tasks theming is tasks.svg in the widgets folder. If you open that file, delete elements with the "attention-" id prefix, make a copy of the elements with the "focus-" id prefix then rename the id of these new elements to "attention-topleft", "attention-top", etc. Save the file and reload the theme by switching to another theme and back. Hope this helps.
Perfect !!! Worked like a charm, thank you very much :)
Great! Now that you're a plasma theme expert, I'm looking forward to seeing a new theme from you. :-)
I love this theme!! At last I can have a small panel :) Besides, it looks very polished. I have a problem with the calendar applet, though. I just can't see the days, and I've tried a few different color schemes. You can see it here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/33438950@N04/3114631112/ What is the color scheme you use in the third shot anyway, since it is mostly what I tried to achieve? Thanks again for your work on this theme. I now love KDE4's looks much more :)