Description: Simple media controller plasmoid that fits into a panel and shows the currently playing song and artist. It is based on the original Media Controller Plasmoid and thus supports the same players.
If changing the volume does not work, try to use the following command: pactl set-sink-volume 0 +10% Where 0 stands for the audio output. You can list the cards with: pactl list | grep '^Sink #' -A2
Can you please add a check of "CanGoPrev" and "CanGoNext" MPRIS properties? I'm using this widget along with an online radio player, CanControl is set to true, but CanGoPrev is not. Also would be neat to replace the icon in on-hover tooltip with the actual album art.
Opening this widget's config in Plasma 5.15 caused plasma to freeze. To fix it, change the config page's implicitWidth using these instructions:
Ratings & Comments
For anyone interested in the original source code repository:
10 This extension is great! Please, update to support Plasma 6 🙏
10 exactly what I was looking for
7 Works flawlessly, but I miss an option to hide the control buttons.
Wow! That's it! Is possible to hide text and leave only the buttons? And also show the widget only if needed?
9 9 excellent
Can you please add a check of "CanGoPrev" and "CanGoNext" MPRIS properties? I'm using this widget along with an online radio player, CanControl is set to true, but CanGoPrev is not. Also would be neat to replace the icon in on-hover tooltip with the actual album art.
10 10 the best
9 +
Opening this widget's config in Plasma 5.15 caused plasma to freeze. To fix it, change the config page's implicitWidth using these instructions:
Thank you, I updated the widget accordingly.
9 +
9 +this is great! works perfectly too
Can be added also the time right now of the song in progress? Anyway is amazing.
it would be nice if we could enable and disable the track name, artist name, album names
9 muy bueno gracias funciona perfecto
Can you please add an option to make the text bold? It looks so out of place on my panel with normal text ;-;
Hi I use media controller compact with Clementine, but for some reason, I can't go to the previous track. Is this a known issue? Regards
Hi No, not that I know of, but I haven't used Clementine.
Hi No, not that I know of