HOW TO INSTALL - Add Widgets... -> Get new widgets -> Download new plasma widgets - find this applet and install through the first item with .plasmoid extension
6To make this work correctly on Kubuntu 21.04, enter this command as the current user:
systemctl --user mask redshift
If you don't do that then systemd will start redshift as well and you'll have two redshift processes running which will clash with each other making the screen flash.
So "OK" rating only until this problem is fixed.
Where does this applet store its configuration? It seems to bypass ~/.config/redshift.conf as well as ~/.config/redshift/redshift.conf (KDE5 + Fedora 31).
I have an issue with this widget: when I start my laptop at the scheduled time redshift is not turning on. If I click twice on the widget it starts working till the next time I reboot.
If I used only redshift it works properly
The Redshift item in the System Tray no longer works in KDE Plasma 5.11.95 (5.12 beta). I really liked the System Tray entry feature of this, so hopefully that can be fixed in the future?
Ratings & Comments
it's already in plasma 5
2 Can't get it to work on Manjaro KDE Plasma 5.24.3 (If it works, it's a 10 rating)
6 To make this work correctly on Kubuntu 21.04, enter this command as the current user: systemctl --user mask redshift If you don't do that then systemd will start redshift as well and you'll have two redshift processes running which will clash with each other making the screen flash. So "OK" rating only until this problem is fixed.
1 The widget no longer works in Kubuntu 18.04. Running redshift from command line works.
Where does this applet store its configuration? It seems to bypass ~/.config/redshift.conf as well as ~/.config/redshift/redshift.conf (KDE5 + Fedora 31).
10 Díky :)
9 9 excellent
9 +Great. It does what it needs to.
9 Awesome work, had no problems using it in KDE Neon 5.15 Btw, package is called "qml-module-qtgraphicaleffects" in Neon
9 +
9 perfectly simple and effective, thank you!
Add a popup please, it would be very nice with sliders on it, without the need of using the mouse wheel
9 my eyes loved it so much!
9 + works well
9 Extremely useful, thanks!
9 +
I have an issue with this widget: when I start my laptop at the scheduled time redshift is not turning on. If I click twice on the widget it starts working till the next time I reboot. If I used only redshift it works properly
9 +
P.S. it would be great if you could set also the activation/deactivation time
9 +Best redshift integration ever. I'm on archlinux+KDE. It has also a nice GUI to adjust redshift settings
9 +Works flawlessly for me in opensuse 15
9 +
9 Works great!
9 I was searching for this since i'm on Linux, almost 2 years, and it's just perfect, thank ye.
The Redshift item in the System Tray no longer works in KDE Plasma 5.11.95 (5.12 beta). I really liked the System Tray entry feature of this, so hopefully that can be fixed in the future?