Lyrics Plasmoid
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
tar xjvf lyricsplasmoid-0.5.tar.bz2
cd lyricsplasmoid-0.5
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix`
sudo make install
kquitapp plasma (plasma-desktop in kde > 4.3)
plasma (plasma-desktop in kde > 4.3)
Tested it with Clementine 0.6, Juk 3.6 and Amarok 2.3.2.
IMPORTANT NOTE: For the Amarok 2.4 users there is a bug between Amarok 2.4 and the nowplaying DataEngine (https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=263642). The plasmoid works (but no the cover art because that is the problem) but sometimes the nowplaying DataEngine starts to show annoying notifications when you use amarok as you source player. Only in Amarok 2.4!
- Fixed a bug when it showed the lyrics that it got from the current song metadata.
- A correction in the spanish translation.
- Now you can select the source from where fetch the lyrics.
- Now you can select the player from which get the current playing song information.
- Added a cache to save the lyrics fetched.
- Now you can priorize the lyrics fetched by the player selected instead of fetch it again from the plasmoid.
- The Graphical User Interface has been redisigned, now it shows some information about the current playing song. (Thanks Alex Merry for the AlbumArt Widget [from the Now Playing plasmoid]).
- Fix a bug that keeps the plasmoid fetching the lyrics when there is not song playing.
- Some improvements in the configuration dialog, now you can choose the font family (Using the KFontChooser widget).
- Now the translations are working again.
- Updated the Spanish translation.
-Fixed important bugs, version
0.1 is now useless.
Ratings & Comments
I wanted to use lyricsplasmoid with tomahawk player, but lyrics.wikia.com didn't worked for me. Therefor I changed some things in the sourcefile "lyrics_sources.h" and compiled it as described in the "README" file. But before I had to uninstall the older version completely. The changes in "lyrics_sources.h" I made are firstly in line 41: extract_patterns.append(QPair< QString, QString> ("<div class='lyricbox'>", "</div>")); and secondly I commented out lines 60 to 126 (this will uninstall the other services than lyrics.wikia.com). After this follow the install instructions in README and logout and login in KDE. I hope anyone having the same problems can help this. Kind regards!
confirmed Players option doesn't work. Please add support for auto scrolling, like amarok lyrics plug-in
I found an annoying bug. I have to configure the music player to get plasmoid working in each season. For example (org.mpris.clementine). Players option doesn't work. is there any posible solution of this? Thanks for your help cheersssss!
...but sadly, this seems to only work with Amarok's default lyrics script, which is sorely lacking. It'd be great if the widget just grabbed whatever is shown in Amarok's Lyrics applet, that way you wouldn't have to worry about maintaining compatibility with all the different lyrics scripts out there.