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- Application Styles11
- Cursors1019
- deKorator Themes175
- Emoticons125
- Full Icon Themes1753
- Global Themes (Plasma 5)472
- Global Themes (Plasma 6)226
- KDE App-Addons3033
- KDE Game-Addons142
- KDE Plasma Extensions2452
- KDE Plasma Screenshots3133
- Kvantum316
- KWin (Plasma 5)176
- KWin Effects28
- KWin Scripts41
- Kwin Switching Layouts2
- Latte Dock79
- Mycroft Skills127
- Plasma 6 Splashscreens123
- Plasma 6 Window Decorations174
- Plasma Color Schemes2165
- Plasma Mobile Wallpapers4
- Plasma Splashscreens1563
- Plasma Themes896
- Plasma Window Decorations682
- Plymouth Themes540
- QSvgStyles5
- QtCurve550
- SDDM Login Themes687
- SMPlayer/MPlayer33
- Sysmon 6 Applet Designs6
- Telegram Themes21
- Various Plasma 6 Improvements5
- Various Plasma Theming23
- Various Qt Stuff297
- Wallpapers KDE Plasma12115
- Panon Shaders6
- Plasma 4 Extensions622
- Plasma 5 Extensions409
- Plasma 5 Wallpaper Plugins33
- Plasma 6 Extensions223
- Plasma 6 Wallpaper Plugins13
- Plasma Comic Sources190
- System Monitor 6 Applets6
- System Monitor Applets10
- Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements773
- Various KDE Stuff139
- Various Plasma 5 Improvements23
- Various Plasma 6 Improvements5

Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Become a Fan
PGame is a Plasmoid similar to xgame.
Version 0.4 needs >=Kde-4.2.87(4.3) Last changelog:
Version 0.4 needs >=Kde-4.2.87(4.3)
0.4 update for Kde-4.3 use Plasma::ScrollWidget, rating
0.3 list performance++, change klineedit to kurlrequester
0.2 some fixes

0 Affiliates
version 0.4
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 7
More Plasma 4 Extensions from justi:
Other Plasma 4 Extensions:

Ratings & Comments
I've finally compiled & installed plasmoid, but it doesn't appears in my menu for adding plasmoids. Here is the setuo log - http://fpaste.org/1kXh/ Here is my plasmoid menu screenshot- http://imagebin.ca/img/VhD_u3c1.png
http://paste.org.ru/?m36b99 What I do wrong?
Ebuild is pushed into gentoo overlay - kde-testing. http://git.overlays.gentoo.org/gitweb/?p=proj/kde.git;a=commitdiff;h=443a9e8a4ac9e6b917b6799840699da131abe711
great, thank you
Really nice idea and looks great, I just wonder if it's just my machine or if it's intentional behavior... The thing is, I need to double-click on the entries to launch whatever is there instead of the plasmoid obeying my KDE-settings (i.e. single click for everything). I realize single-click may have some unwanted behaviours if you set up a game to launch in a separate X-session, but I at least would very much appreciate if it was made configurable (assuming it was designed that way).
yes one-click start have two unwanted behaviours: click unintentionally on pgame could start a new xsession. you cannot select a game( no edit or delete )
Which is fair enough (although personally I would think "Adding or editing" games would be more suitable to have in a special tab in the generic plasmoids settings). Another (relatively minor though) problem: please add a fileselector to the command-field instead of having to type the entire-path-to-binary-or-script kind there is now.
Nice one. I like it, but if I add the plasmoid on the desktop the layout gets broken. I'm using KDE 4.2 on my Suse 11.0 with the Oxygen Style. A little suggestion: It would be nice if there is a little icon which I can place on the kicker. Then if I click on it, an extension with the gamelist should apear. So I can take the extension and put it everywhere on the destop where I want.
can you make a sceenshot of the broken layout?
yes, just resize the applet, i fix this in the next version.