Mac OSX Enhanced +1Multisized


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Important: If you do not like or have trouble installing a multisized mouse theme like this one, you can download it as a six pack mouse themes. You can install the ones you like six. The address of my package is Thank you.

+MacOSXenhanced is a +1Multisized X11 Mouse Theme; +1Multisized is my concept for cursor themes with colorful pointers or pointer with colored backgrounds, and is accomplished by defining the colors that we will use in our cursor theme and set the initial size of the cursor, increasing one pixel between each of the colors. This is my original idea.

For this X11 mouse theme, we actually have six mouse themes, which are chosen by selecting the cursor theme size. All cursors are the same, only have different sizes, with the exception of wait cursors and progress. You can open the preview number 2, to see what I'm saying to you.

+MacOSXenhanced is a X11 mouse theme multisized to 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 and 37 pixels. I have tested it under Cinnamon with Muffin, KDE with Kwin, Xfce, also Gnome 2.x and it works great. I added it symlinks for some cursors required for Steam, and all required for KDE, Xfce, Gnome, and Unity

On Gnome 3.x or Unity I think doesn't works as I would want, because when the cursor size is changed, there are inconsistency only on the main cursor. The changed size will appear in few applications like firefox, but the default size 32 pixels will stay in desktop and some other apps. I believe this may be a part of a bug of Compiz.Therefore, if you want to see it work well, you should choose the size of the cursor 32 pixels.

I decided to upload it, and after will go improving it. I would like change a few things so you can expect updates. If you find any bugs, please let me know in comments section.

0- Download cursor pack
1- Extract it as root to /usr/share/icons/, open a terminal as root and use next command:
[quote]tar --directory=Downloads -zxf Downloads/160823-+MacOSXe.tar.gz && mv Downloads/+MacOSXe /usr/share/icons/[/quote]

ON KDE v4.10.5
2- Change cursor theme and choose the size cursor with desktop setting tools.
3- If you want to make it the default cursor and see this cursor theme on login screen KDM, you must edit as root the index.theme system file located in /usr/share/icons/default, changing the name present after of "=", sign to +MacOSXe. Use next command:
[quote]nano /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme[/quote]
4- Save, close and reboot.

ON Xfce v4.10
2- Launch the Settings Desktop Environment by clicking on Top Panel: Application Menu-->Settings Manager, then Settings window is opened; scroll down to section called "Other", you can see "Settings Editor", launch it and in the left panel of the window opened, scroll down to locate "xsettings", click it, now you can change the fields value CursorThemeName and CursorThemeSize, located in the right panel.
3- You must edit and save as root the index.theme system file located in /usr/share/icons/default, changing the name present after of "=", sign to +MacOSXe. Use next command:
[quote]sudo mousepad /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme[/quote]
4- Edit or create the .Xdefaults personal configuration file, adding to the final, the next two lines, set your own size matching size defined in the step 2:
Xcursor.theme: +MacOSXe
Xcursor.size: 32

[quote]mousepad ~/.Xdefaults[/quote]
5 Save, close and reboot.

2- To update the cursor theme: Search for and install Alternatives Configurator in Ubuntu Software Center.
3- You must add the cursor theme +MacOSXe, to the corresponding group of alternatives. Use next command:
[quote]sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme x-cursor-theme /usr/share/icons/+MacOSXe/cursor.theme 30[/quote]
4- Choose the cursor theme +MacOSXe. Use next command:
[quote]sudo update-alternatives --config x-cursor-theme[/quote]
5- To update the cursor size: Search for and install Dconf Editor in Ubuntu Software Center.
6- Use next Command, changing the default cursor size 32 pixels to your custom cursor size. Could also use 33, 34, 35, 36, and 37 pixels. I recommend 32 pixels, to avoid the bug mentioned above.
[quote]gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-size 32 && gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-theme +MacOSXe[/quote]
7- Finally, create or edit the ~/.Xresources file using next command:
[quote]gedit ~/.Xresources[/quote]
Add the following two lines. Change 32 to match size defined in previous step:
[quote]Xcursor.theme: +MacOSXe
Xcursor.size: 32[/quote]
8- Save, close and reboot.

Enjoy it! Thanks.
Last changelog:

2014 Feb v3.00 I removed the cursors shadow. Now seems better.
2013 Oct v2.00 I have changed it the initial size: was 30 and now is 32. Now is less glossy. The question_arrow cursor now is animated. I have changed the animation speed for watch and left_ptr_watch.New pencil and color-picket cursors.
2013 Oct v1.20 I changed circle and question_arrow pointers. I fixed left_ptr_watch hotspot.
2013 Sep v1.00 Initial release.

Ratings & Comments



These would be nicer if they weren't glossy. A matte version would be MOST welcome!


I'm working on it. In short time you will get my answer. I'm giving matte to images. If I like the new theme, update it to a newer version.


I have changed it the initial size: was 30 and now is 32. Now is less glossy. The question_arrow cursor now is animated. I have changed the animations for watch and left_ptr_watch. I hope your comments about it. Thank you.


Could there be a release with the different themes as separate cursors instead of "sizes?" Some of us don't have the ability to choose the size. (That at least affects Cinnamon users.) Also, the control for changing the size isn't intended for changing the theme, it's intended for changing... well... the size. =) Nice job and looking forward to updates.


You are right. In short I will make a mouse theme package containing the six separate themes. I'll let you know as soon as I finish it. If you could give a positive vote I appreciate it. A few do that. Thank you.


You can already download the MacOSX package. It has the same six mouse themes as my multisized theme, but in this one are themes separated. The address is as follows: Thanks, I hope I have done what you wanted.

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version 3.00
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