Search results for "screenshot"


Flavor of the week screenshot no. 5

KDE Plasma Screenshots by zinjanthr0pus
Showcasing drgordbord's Platinum Lime Kvantum theme (with some edits), along with rhodium, and some other junk
kde lime linux plasma platinum qplatinum screenshot unix
Jun 03 2022

Flavor of the week screenshot no. 3

KDE Plasma Screenshots by zinjanthr0pus
Update of my Aurora Borealis theme Glassy/gradients QtCurve AuroraBorealisOxy-1.3 color-scheme Colorbits Aurorae Oxygen 3 Plasma theme AuroraBorealis Konsole kaolin-galaxy Emacs theme
aurora blur dark glass glassy kde linux plasma screenshot unix
May 05 2022

Flavor of the week screenshot no. 2

KDE Plasma Screenshots by zinjanthr0pus
This is sort of a mishmash of other peoples themes (though I've tweaked a few things). Kvantum: Baghira Aqua Green Kv Aurorae: Cupertino Green Kv with buttons from Baghira Aqua Metal Kv Plasma: Mack OSX Colors: Expose Green (with some tweaks) Icons: Delft Mint Konsole: Solarized Light (let me...
aqua glass green kde linux osx plasma screenshot skeuo unix
Apr 26 2022

Flavor of the week screenshot no. 1

KDE Plasma Screenshots by zinjanthr0pus
QPlatinum, New Earthtones, Punktate Smaragd, Solaris dolphins, Gruvbox (Emacs), Global menu, and other stuff.
earthtones kde linux plasma qplatinum screenshot unix warm
Apr 07 2022

Plasma screenshot

KDE Plasma Screenshots by sajith
customize kde plasma desktop
kde linux plasma screenshot unix
Feb 07 2021

My KDE Plasma Screenshot

KDE Plasma Screenshots by wassimhb
My KDE Plasma desktop using the nordic theme (best theme ever created). For the terminal I'm using the zsh shell, tweaked it by setting up OhMyZsh & PowerLevel10K. For the Code-OSS theme i'm using nord theme and for the font I'm using Monaco font. For the icons I'm using Ult-Plata-Dk-Papirus.
kde linux plasma screenshot unix
Sep 14 2020

KDE Plasma Screenshot

KDE Plasma Screenshots by marcinw2
My Plasma Desktop
kde linux plasma screenshot unix
Apr 10 2020

my screenshot

KDE Plasma Screenshots by bretzel
The theme. This is by far the best qtcurve theme I've found : [li]full flat[/li]: [url][/url] I've changed menu text color and acitve window-title to (pastel-)red. Then inactive window-title to (pastel-)blue. Plasma theme is...
kde linux plasma screenshot unix
Apr 19 2012

PCLinuxOS Screenshot

KDE Plasma Screenshots by IsaacM
Full Monty Desktop Ghost Theme with PCLinuxOS Wallpaper and Logo using Breathe Icon set Ghost color scheme and Charged cursor set and Lancelot 1.95
kde linux plasma screenshot unix
Dec 07 2016

P! screenshot

KDE Plasma Screenshots by sabaal
My current scheme, and probably one that I will keep for a while. For those of you who aren't no-life anime geeks, this style is vaguely inspired by a Vespa in the anime FLCL, which is where the name "P!" comes from. I'm not sure if anyone else shares my unusual sense of style; if I get enough...
kde linux plasma screenshot unix
Jun 05 2007