Search results for "kde"


Game Server Watcher

Plasma 4 Extensions by OlgM
This plasmoid fetches info from Source-based (e.g. TF2, CS:S, L4D) game servers and shows it as a list. [b]DEPENDENCIES[/b]: plasma-scriptengine-python Install: plasmapkg -i %filename%.plasmoid
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Apr 06 2013

Media Controls

Plasma 4 Extensions by randomguy3
Displays previous, play/pause and next buttons, and optionally album art. Requires at least KDE
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Apr 04 2013

Deutsche Bahn Widget

Plasma 4 Extensions by Robbe91
Small Plasmoid Widget to acess directly Deutsche Bahn mobile website. Code written by Ferenc Nagy
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Mar 29 2013

Trenitalia Widget

Plasma 4 Extensions by Robbe91
Small Plasmoid Widget to acess directly Trenitalia mobile website. Code written by Ferenc Nagy
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Mar 29 2013

Birthday List

Plasma 4 Extensions by balevas01
BirthdayList plasmoid shows a sorted list of coming birthdays, namedays and anniversaries from the selected Akonadi collection. Namedays and anniversaries can be optionally switched off. All events are sorted in a table, so you can easily select or reorder columns you want to see. Namedays...
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Mar 26 2013

WorkFlow Plasmoid

Plasma 4 Extensions by Psifidotos
to create a KDE Plasmoid that integrates Activities, Virtual Desktops and Tasks Functionalities from Plasma
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Mar 24 2013

WorkFlow KWin Script Launcher

Plasma 4 Extensions by Psifidotos
/60116122[/url] This is a plasmoid launcher for the WorkFlow KWin Script: [url]
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Mar 24 2013

yaWP (Yet Another Weather Plasmoid)

Plasma 4 Extensions by PlasmaFactory
Yet Another Weather Plasmoid. There is nothing wrong with the ones that exist, I just wanted something more colorful. This plasmoid belongs to other people, it would not be where it is without their help. See the README. Please help with additional themes and translations, thanks. For...
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Mar 23 2013


Plasma 4 Extensions by thstaerk
KDE ContextMenu can be reached via right-click onto the KDE desktop. It is very simple
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Mar 14 2013

Dagadu QML

Plasma 4 Extensions by shsetyana
Indonesian: Dagadu Generator adalah plasmoid sederhana yang ditulis dengan QML. Plasmoid ini berguna untuk membalikkan kata-kata dalam bahasa Indonesia atau Jawa. Dagadu artinya Matamu. English: Dagadu Generator is a simple plasmoid written with QML. This plasmoid is useful to reverse words...
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Mar 07 2013