Search results for "kde"



Plasma 4 Extensions by keshavnrj
know trains between pair of stations , Seat Availability , get the train schedule ,Trains Availability at Major Stations,PNR status for your booking
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Nov 27 2014


Plasma 4 Extensions by melongex
With this plasmoid you can turn off compositing with one click directly on your desktop. It is for people like me who wish to have a visual indicator for compositing. The plasmoid is called gamemode, because you mostly need switching off compositing in games anyway. How it works...
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Oct 01 2014


Plasma 4 Extensions by redhatlinux10
this plasmoid helps you install packages directly from openSUSE ymp files either from local file system or from an internet url, all you need to do is dropping a ymp file link onto this plasmoid. this plasmoid is especially useful for chrome / chromium users because chromium-based web browsers...
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Jun 14 2014

Tic tac toe (QML)

Plasma 4 Extensions by heena
Tic tac toe game implemented using qml 1.0 and java script as backend.
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Oct 28 2013

Bamboo Plan Indicator

Plasma 4 Extensions by alexoleshkevich
Shows a status of Atlassian Bamboo plan: successful, failed, unknown, building. From context menu you can trigger a new build. Shortcuts: - single click on icon will trigger a new build; - double click will open bamboo page with the latest build in a browser. One widget per plan.
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Oct 08 2013


Plasma 4 Extensions by gerritdaniels
sf-stats is a plasmoid that shows download statistics of a sourceforge project. Optinally it can also show the site visitor statistics, for this the project must have the Piwik app enabled or have Piwik installed on the web space. It depends on the sf-stats-downloads DataEngine and optinally...
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Oct 05 2013

Baidu FM

Plasma 4 Extensions by wustill
A plasmoid for Baidu FM, allow you listen to music from Baidu FM without opening web browser . And you know that Baidu is a commercial company, APIs in this plasmoid are private, so please, keep quiet.
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Jun 18 2013

Trenitalia Widget

Plasma 4 Extensions by Robbe91
Small Plasmoid Widget to acess directly Trenitalia mobile website. Code written by Ferenc Nagy
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Mar 29 2013

FC-Monitor DualCore (french)

Plasma 4 Extensions by Fred6681
Moniteur indiquant les principaux composant ainsi que l'utilisation du processeur,l'utilisation de la mémoire, le trafic réseau et l'espace disponible sur les partitions - Installer superkaramba - Déverouiller les plasmoïdes - Faire un clic droit sur le bureau et choisir "Ajouter des pla...
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Jan 25 2013


Plasma 4 Extensions by heena
Shuffles playing cards and dice . To install use command [b] plasmapkg -i shuffle [/b] [i]in the directory which contains shuffle [/i]
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
Jan 17 2013