Search results for "kde"



Various KDE Stuff by 3milian0
Kaiketsu is a simple sudoku solver. You only have to insert a scheme and press the solve button. This is version 0.5. Cedric LeGloannec improved the speed and now it is possible to find all the solutions of a scheme and save them into a file.
extension kde linux plasma unix
Nov 09 2005


Various KDE Stuff by yodor
NastyFFT - OpenGL visualization plugin for amaroK. This version is using libvisual visualization plugin system.
extension kde linux plasma unix
Oct 20 2005


Various KDE Stuff by meff
Quick little perl script to display what is playing on amaroK in Irssi, with modifiable random 'saying's and a customizeable string to print. To use: Put it in your ~/.irssi/scripts dir. In Irssi, do "/script load" To have it autoload, make a symlink to it in...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Sep 13 2005

amaroK Collection Stats (konversation script)

Various KDE Stuff by madpenguin8
A konvi script for messaging your amaroK collection stats. In the tarball there are two scripts, use if you are running today's ( 8/21/05 ) SVN of amaroK. If you are using a version lower, use
extension kde linux plasma unix
Aug 20 2005


Various KDE Stuff by kallcenter
kallcenter is a Voice over IP Callcenter software for outbound Callcenters. It is based on kphone and uses a mySQL database backend. It was developed and tested on SuSE Linux 9.2. Documentation is currently available in german only. Downloads are moved to SourceForge at 15.08.2005....
extension kde linux plasma unix
Aug 15 2005

Multi Timer Qt

Various KDE Stuff by DarkShock
This is a small program in Qt4 I developped to replace a MFC application. The program handle multiples timers at the same time. The timers can be count up or countdown. This program was a part of my summer job so I was really happy to work on a GPL Qt4 program during that job :) It was...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Aug 08 2005

KBW - Krazy Brain Word

Various KDE Stuff by joshuafr
In smoe lgnagaues, it dseon't mttaer in waht oedrr the ltteres in a wrod are for uedntsrdnanig it. Tihs is bacesue the hamun mnid deos not raed erevy ltteer by iestlf but the wrod as a wlohe. Kzary biarn wrod hples you tipyng scuh txet. Hvae fun! For more information,...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Jun 20 2005

KPearPC (Mac OS X on Linux)

Various KDE Stuff by probono
Allows you to run Mac OS X on Linux (you must buy Mac OS X seaprately). KPearPC is PearPC 0.4pre_cvs with AltiVec support, precompiled for Linux, plus a graphical interface that hides the configuration file from the user. You can create a 3GB HD image with dd if=/dev/zero of=PearHD.img...
extension kde linux plasma unix
May 05 2005

Freehand Gestures

Various KDE Stuff by nhnFreespirit
Here is a VERY early preview of a little something I am working on. This is mostly for advanced users as it is NOT ready for serious use yet.. Freehand Gestures allows you to open applications using pure, always active, multi level, mouse gestures not involving ANY keypresses at all. It works...
extension kde linux plasma unix
Apr 26 2005


Various KDE Stuff by Braindead
KChm is a new chm viewer for KDE. It consists of kio_chm, corresponding kpart(so you can view chm
extension kde linux plasma unix
Mar 17 2005