Search results for "kde"


Day of week

Plasma 5 Calendars by kdea
are also interested in 'Day of month' widget. [b]REQUIRED DEPENDENCIES[/b] [li] KDE 5 (Plasma
calendar extension kde linux plasma plasma-5 unix widget
Sep 27 2015

Calendar WL

Plasma 5 Calendars by x-varlesh-x
Customizable dynamic calendar with new Material style. Used system icon "mini-calendar-widget" (if available on icon theme), if not - available some template examples on archive. Recommend use with Latte Dock (48px icon size and higher) Special thx @psifidotos (Michail Vourlakos) for Calendar...
calendar extension kde linux plasma plasma-5 unix widget
Sep 19 2021

Sami Latte Layout

Latte Layouts by sami-rog
**Description** Latte Layout with 2 floating docks and 2 panels. **Plasmoids Widget List** - Avalon Menu - Application Title - Global Menu - Event Calendar - System Tray - Condensed Weather - Mcos Bs Inline Battery - Notification - Shutdown Or Switch - Show Desktop - Latte Sidebar...
dock extension kde kdeplasma latte latte-dock lattedock linux unix
Aug 30 2021

Digital Gauge

Sysmon Applet Designs by mart
A face for the new system monitor plasmoid (and for the new Plasma Systemmonitor app) that shows a gauge made of glowing digital segments with a somewhat 80's look and feel.
extension kde linux plasma unix
Nov 17 2020

MSI RGB Control

Plasma 5 Applets by driglu4it
Widget for controlling the backlighting of the keyboard of MSI notebooks. The msi-perkeyrgb package is required.
extension kde keyboard linux msi plasma plasma-5 plasma5 plasmoid unix widget
Aug 16 2021

History Bars

Sysmon Applet Designs by kdecommunity
Sensor history is displayed as a series of moving bars. Multiple sensors are stacked on top of each other.
bar chart extension face history kde linux plasma steam unix
Apr 30 2021


Plasma 4 Extensions by lunimare
KVG(Kde Video Gif) Is a player of animate gif and music. This version of the player "IS ONLY
extension kde linux plasma plasma-4 unix widget
May 25 2012


Plasma 5 Applets by librehat
SpanishDict on your desktop. Translate English to Spanish or Spanish to English. Powered by pure QML and JavaScript. Runtime Requirement: Qt >= 5.12
dictionary extension kde linux plasma plasma-5 spanish translator unix widget
Oct 18 2020

Compose email short-cut

Plasma 5 Applets by davebu
Short-cut for new emails. A button that sits on a panel. When you press it, it opens a new compose email window. It defaults to kmail, but this can be changed in the options. Thunderbird users could change this option to thunderbird -compose Using the icon from the Oxygen icon set as logo....
compose email extension kde linux plasma plasma-5 unix widget
Apr 01 2020

Application Name Mac Style

Plasma 5 Applets by jorgeflorescarlos
Normal Application name with Finder Addons selecting desktop name as No window
extension kde linux plasma plasma-5 unix widget
Aug 28 2018