Search results for "kde"


openSUSE Breeze Color Scheme

Plasma Color Schemes by cubiclenate
One of the greatest aspects of the Plasma Desktop is the Breeze theme. It has really brought plasma to the next level in visual appeal. This openSUSE Breeze color scheme is, at the core, the Breeze theme. The blue highlights have been swapped out for the green hues used largely consistent with...
colors colorscheme kde linux opensuse plasma theme unix
Mar 04 2021

History Bars

Sysmon Applet Designs by kdecommunity
Sensor history is displayed as a series of moving bars. Multiple sensors are stacked on top of each other.
bar chart extension face history kde linux plasma steam unix
Apr 30 2021

openSUSE Breeze Dark Plasma Style

Plasma Themes by cubiclenate
Starting with the general pallet and design language of the Breeze Dark theme, I wanted to make this an easy click to switch what is an already fantastic base and make it more openSUSE in look. The only real changes to this, from the standard Breeze Dark theme is the menu icon is the Geeko...
breeze dark kde linux opensuse plasma plasma5 theme unix
Feb 23 2021

Corner Menu

Plasma 5 Menus by arshbangar
KppleMenu inspired (not forked) MacOS and Gnome Style options menu. Now with the ability to change icon.
applet extension kde linux menu menus plasma plasma-5 plasma5 unix widget widgets
May 13 2021

Concentric Circles

Sysmon Applet Designs by kdecommunity
Displays sensors as concentric circles
circles donuts face chart concentric linux unix extension kde plasma
Dec 04 2020

Windows 10

Global Themes by mrpro
The perfect Windows 10 Global Theme
kde linux look-and-feel looknfeel plasma plasma5 theme unix windows10
Aug 29 2020

Breezly dark - minimalistic

Plasma Themes by Shevchuk
Breeze Dark based theme: removed borders on taskbar icons and changed multiple window indicator.
kde linux plasma theme unix
Nov 29 2018

Breezly - minimalistic

Plasma Themes by Shevchuk
Breeze based theme: removed borders on taskbar icons and changed multiple window indicator.
kde linux plasma theme unix
Nov 29 2018

Aether Dark

Plasma Themes by KenVermette
Aether Dark is currently under development; please report any issues found within the theme when installed on Plasma 5.12 or higher. Aether is a theme aiming to use sweeping but subtle gradients and "just enough" transparency to illustrate the new blurring of the Plasma Desktop. This theme...
kde linux plasma theme unix
Jul 10 2018

Umbrellas splash

Plasma Splashscreens by thevladsoft
Splashscreen with a little animation. Try it with the Sddm Theme: [URL=]Umbrellas Sddm theme[/URL] And [URL=]Wallpaper[/URL] Want to donate a cup of...
kde linux plasma plasma-5 splashscreen theme unix
May 23 2019