Search results for "linux"


Minotaur Charts Cryptocurrency Ticker

Plasma 5 Applets by lainwir3d
A KDE Plasma 5 Plasmoid for monitoring and charting cryptocurrency exchange rates on various exchanges. This is a fork of Minotaur plasmoid from jkcdarunday ( adding chart drawing support. You can have both installed. It requires Qt Charts. Please also note...
crypto extension kde kdeplasma linux plasma plasma-5 plasmoid unix widget
Feb 03 2022

Fast Web Browser

Plasma 5 Applets by eQuilibrium
Faster and easier search the Internet
extension kde linux plasma plasma-5 unix widget
Sep 04 2021


Plasma 5 Applets by driglu4it
Widget for optimizing the size of images using the API. In the settings, you can choose the postfix for the file name, the quality of the optimization, and the preservation of EXIF data.
compress extension images kde linux plasma plasma-5 plasma5 plasmoid unix widget
Dec 07 2021

Quick Web Search Box

Plasma 5 Applets by suhasdissa
Easy to access search widget to search the web instantly, without leaving the widget.
cortana extension kde linux plasma plasma-5 plasma5 search unix web widget
Nov 08 2021


Plasma 5 Applets by alphasheep
An unofficial plasmoid for the KDE Plasma Desktop that indicates the status of your NordVPN connection. When connected, the icon uses the default colour from your theme. When you are disconnected from the VPN, the icon changes colour to your theme's negative text colour. The tooltip shows...
extension kde linux nordvpn plasma plasma-5 unix widget
Apr 18 2021

Sliding Image Puzzle

Plasma 5 Applets by thevladsoft
Sliding Image Puzzle. It will take a random image from a given directory, or use one of the 15 included images, and create a sliding puzzle. You will have to sort the blocks to see the complete image. Take into consideration that, depending of the images used and the size of the puzzle (from...
extension kde linux plasma plasma-5 unix widget
Feb 24 2021

Containment Debug Plasmoid

Plasma 5 Applets by mart
This is a simple plasmoid just used to debug informations that go from the Containment such as the Deskto to the widget, useful to debug things like I'll ask people that can reproduce similar problems to install it to see what it repèorts
extension kde linux plasma plasma-5 unix widget
Jan 20 2021

Bitcoin Wallet Balance

Plasma 5 Applets by MakG
Applet for KDE Plasma 5 showing a total balance of Bitcoin stored on addresses defined by user. Total balance of each address is read from If you choose to show the balance in fiat currency, the BTC-USD rate is gathered from CoinMarketCap and then converted to other currency...
extension kde linux plasma plasma-5 unix widget
Oct 10 2020

Kusama Price Plasmoid

Plasma 5 Applets by deadblackclover
Plasma applet showing the current price of Kusama from various markets to choose from. The plasmoid can also convert the price to a desired currency. Supported sources: - Cryptonator - Bitfinex Supported currencies: - USD ($) - US Dollar
extension kde kusama linux plasma plasma-5 plasma5 plasmoid unix widget
Jan 30 2021

Polkadot Price Plasmoid

Plasma 5 Applets by deadblackclover
Plasma applet showing the current price of Polkadot from various markets to choose from. The plasmoid can also convert the price to a desired currency. Supported sources: - Cryptonator - BW - Bitfinex Supported currencies: - USD ($) - US Dollar
extension kde linux plasma plasma-5 plasma5 plasmoid polkadot unix widget
Jan 30 2021