Search results for "linux"


Flavor of the week screenshot no. 2

KDE Plasma Screenshots by zinjanthr0pus
This is sort of a mishmash of other peoples themes (though I've tweaked a few things). Kvantum: Baghira Aqua Green Kv Aurorae: Cupertino Green Kv with buttons from Baghira Aqua Metal Kv Plasma: Mack OSX Colors: Expose Green (with some tweaks) Icons: Delft Mint Konsole: Solarized Light (let me...
aqua glass green kde linux osx plasma screenshot skeuo unix
Apr 26 2022


Plasma 5 Multimedia by eduardoforca
A modification of NowPlaying, a Plasma Widget by nihilist-dev: This version allows the user to change the alignment between Left/Right. Other extra functionalities will be added as well. The User can now change the background options.
extension kde linux mod multimedia plasma plasma-5 plasma5 plasmoid unix widget
Apr 11 2022

Velvet Plum / Slate v2

Plasma Color Schemes by memory-colors
A semi-dark theme with smooth, pastel tones. Based loosely on Nord and Papirus color palettes, meant to be airy and easy on the eyes. Pictured: Plasma Theme = Fluent Round, Icons = Papirus White, Window Decorations = Bonny Blur, Font = Poppins. Opacity / Blur @ ~95%. V2 adds fade effect to...
colorscheme dark kde linux nordic papirus pastel plasma rounded theme unix
Mar 31 2022

Breeze [light titlebar]

Plasma Color Schemes by lebill
The default Breeze theme with title-bar colors from Breeze Light.
colorscheme kde linux plasma theme unix
Dec 05 2021


Plasma Color Schemes by Masque
A mod of Accento Light Orange, with more variety and contrast of colors a little reminiscent of the old Amiga Workbench What was changed: - Lighter buttons - Blue active titles - Inactive titles are a little darker to set them apart from the window main color
amiga blue breeze colorscheme kde linux orange plasma theme unix workbench
Mar 26 2022

Mac Cheetah Plasma

Plasma Themes by drgordbord
This is a port of the OSX Cheetah top bar for KDE Plasma
aqua cheetah kde linux macosx osx plasma theme unix
Jan 18 2022

Red Star Plasma

Plasma Themes by drgordbord
This is a port of the Red Star panel to KDE Plasma
kde linux plasma red redstar star stars theme unix
Jan 04 2022

Red Star OS 3 Kwin

Plasma Window Decorations by drgordbord
A port of the Red Star OS window decorations
kde linux plasma red redstar star stars theme unix
Jan 04 2022

Red Star Colors

Plasma Color Schemes by drgordbord
This is a color scheme designed to fit in with the KDE Red Star theme.
colorscheme kde linux plasma red redstar star stars theme unix
Jan 04 2022

Velvet Plum / Orchid

Plasma Color Schemes by memory-colors
A darker version of Velvet Plum theme with deep pastel and charcoal tones. Based loosely on Nord and Papirus color palettes, meant to be easy on the eyes for nocturnal viewing. Pictured here with Nordic Round global and Papirus Yaru icon themes, opacity and blur set to ~80%, Open Sans Light...
charcoal colorscheme dark kde linux nordic papirus pastel plasma theme unix
Dec 28 2021