Search results for "splashscreen"


Vortex Ubuntu

Plymouth Themes by e-s-coder
A simple editable splash screen inspired by the Atom Editor website with a futuristic design and a elegant progress bar. The theme has animations that makes the stripes rotate at different speeds giving a vortex effect. You can easily change the background color to whatever you please following...
ubuntu vortex animated animations editable linux unix splashscreen plymouth bootscreen
Nov 20 2024

Kubuntu Violet with Asus logo

Plymouth Themes by lucasio99
A violet Kubuntu & ASUS logo plymouth theme for Asus computers running Kubuntu obviously.
asus bootscreen kubuntu linux plymouth splashscreen ubuntu unix violet
Feb 05 2023

Ubuntu CP1P Ani-01 Plymouth Theme

Plymouth Themes by Markospoko
Ubuntu CP1P Ani-01 plymouth theme is a boot theme inspired by and made for Ubuntu with a couple of colors, with nice loading animation =) It's like Ubuntu CP1P Ani-01 with slightly modified colors This theme can be obtained from my Gumroad store site (it's a good one): Ubuntu CP1P Ani-01 Dark...
bootscreen bootsplash colors linux plymouth splashscreen ubuntu unix
May 31 2021

Ubuntu CP1 Ani-01 Plymouth Theme

Plymouth Themes by Markospoko
Ubuntu CP1 Ani-01 plymouth theme is a boot theme inspired by and made for Ubuntu with a couple of colors, with nice loading animation =) This theme can be obtained from my Gumroad store site (it's a good one): Ubuntu CP1 Ani-01 Dark Gray -...
bootscreen bootsplash colors linux plymouth splashscreen ubuntu unix
May 31 2021

Futurebuntu Ani-05 Torquoise S Plymouth Theme

Plymouth Themes by Markospoko
Futurebuntu Ani-05 Torquoise plymouth theme is a futuristic boot theme with light stairs as loading animation mostly for Ubuntu/Mint: new Ubuntu logo was imagined and designed to align with the future of Ubuntu, having received a future view (but more than just a glimpse) of it, but you can use...
bootscreen linux mint plymouth splashscreen ubuntu unix
Jun 02 2020

Futurebuntu Ani-05 Dark Gray S Plymouth Theme

Plymouth Themes by Markospoko
Futurebuntu Ani-05 Dark Gray plymouth theme is a futuristic boot theme with light stairs as loading animation mostly for Ubuntu/Mint: new Ubuntu logo was imagined and designed to align with the future of Ubuntu, having received a future view (but more than just a glimpse) of it, but you can use...
bootscreen linux mint plymouth splashscreen ubuntu unix
May 31 2020

Futurebuntu Ani-04 Light Gray MA S Plymouth Theme

Plymouth Themes by Markospoko
Futurebuntu Ani-04 Light Gray MA plymouth theme is a futuristic boot theme with another kind of nice loading animation mostly for Ubuntu/Mint: new Ubuntu logo was imagined and designed to align with the future of Ubuntu, having received a future view (but more than just a glimpse) of it, but you...
bootscreen linux mint plymouth splashscreen ubuntu unix
May 09 2020

Futurebuntu Ani-04 Torquoise S Plymouth Theme

Plymouth Themes by Markospoko
Futurebuntu Ani-04 Torquoise plymouth theme is a futuristic boot theme with another kind of nice loading animation mostly for Ubuntu/Mint: new Ubuntu logo was imagined and designed to align with the future of Ubuntu, having received a future view (but more than just a glimpse) of it, but you can...
bootscreen linux mint plymouth splashscreen ubuntu unix
Mar 18 2020

Futurebuntu Ani-04 Dark Gray S Plymouth Theme

Plymouth Themes by Markospoko
Futurebuntu Ani-04 Dark Gray plymouth theme is a futuristic boot theme with another kind of nice loading animation mostly for Ubuntu/Mint: new Ubuntu logo was imagined and designed to align with the future of Ubuntu, having received a future view (but more than just a glimpse) of it, but you can...
bootscreen linux mint plymouth splashscreen ubuntu unix
Mar 18 2020

Futurebuntu Ani-02-A Light Gray MA S

Plymouth Themes by Markospoko
Futurebuntu Ani-02-A Light Gray MA S plymouth theme is a futuristic boot theme with circularly moving dot as loading animation mostly for Ubuntu/Mint: new Ubuntu logo was imagined and designed to align with the future of Ubuntu, having received a future view (but more than just a glimpse) of it,...
bootscreen linux mint plymouth splashscreen ubuntu unix
Jan 21 2020