Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Created by lunimare Big linux distro team.
Created for a necessary distinction between the launccher and the icons of the bar and to give more beauty and extra functionality to it. currently contains cpu sensor and accepts drag and drop images, soon accept videos, music and animated gifs.
3 ways to install:
1- after install, downloading in new widgets from the plasma using the plasmoid kde instaler, completely with the command:
cd /tmp/kde-"$USER"/ ; mv *-BigLancelot.skz BigLancelot.skz ; plasmapkg --type=superkaramba -i BigLancelot.skz
2- Download direct from here(kdelook):
exec the command in download dir:
mv *-BigLancelot.skz BigLancelot.skz ; plasmapkg --type=superkaramba -i BigLancelot.skz
or in new widgets for plasma using the plasmoid kde instaler > install widget from local file > point to download folder > choose xxxxxx-BigLancelot.skz
If is a update first remove BigLancelot plasmoid and reinstall it.
remove button and reopen the widget.
Some Kross dependencies:
- modified the installation to be done by the plasmoids kde installer
- add news buttons
- script repair > change wallpaper
- add change wallpaper by drag&drop and right click.
some buttons ready and other in ~ / BigLancelot / bots / base-bot to make custom. save with extension. bot to be automatically recognized.
new cpu meter 3 levels: low < 50% , 50% < med > 80% , high > 80% and alert in 100% usage.
- add drag&drop background images directily from ~/.BigLancelot/bots to button.
- change intall script
Ratings & Comments
Your Google translation make it really hard to understand how to install your plasmoid. I installed it with the KDE Plasmoid Installer (Get New Widgets). Installtion seems to work, but when finished, I can't find any BigLancelot plasmoid in the list ...
If you gave the commands after install. Try restart.
Is it really necessary to additionally have superkaramba running? Shouldn't a superkaramba theme run through the superkaramba plasma-engine? Looking at your screenshot it looks so nice! But that additional superkaramba memory hog makes me hesitate. Is there a chance to convert it into a real plasmoid? And to use it with kickoff or classic menu too?
thanks my friend. make an effort to understand this translation google I'll tell you openly that I am thinking about kde4. a great idea now managed by a group of narcissists. The same people who now are turning their backs to the thousands who helped get kde up here. who's develop applications know very well about I'm talking I did this applet initially for the kickoff but the lack of commands offered by this wonderful team, I had to put the lancelot who owns one.
It came in kde4 at last upgrade
I didn't have this wallpaper in KDE 4.3, perhaps because I'm using Fedora 11. But I checked in the repositories and this set of wallpapers is available as an "extra" download, so now I have it :) Thanks for your advice, and keep up the good work! :)
And can you post up the wallpaper too, or tell where you found it? :)
Try the updated file
Remains as was. Can because of that that I establish not as is written (not through karamba). I create a folder in a house directory and I unpack there archive contents, further in the console I start sh instal. And through addition widgets at me and it has not turned out to put (though karamba it is established) Help please!
when you click the button , appears the Lancelot menu. Give 'lancelot' command at a konsole to start it. Don't forget: config for launch Lancelot at startup.
By pressing the applet button there is a window with an error "Could not find the program ' biglancelot '" What does it mean? How to make what by pressing there was a menu?
It's a plasmoid write in superkaramba. You need learn more about superkaramba and plasma. The .skz files are install like others plasmoids files. plasmapkg --type superkaramba --install BigLancelot.skz It was make for use in widgets not like superkaramba theme and the rigth place is here to others peoples find it.
Since this is a .skz file, it should be under the category Karamba: http://kde-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=38