The newest deKorator for KDE4.x NEEDED!Becuase the buttons used came directly from elementary 2k10 Beryl Emerald Theme.Find out more here:
For installation: Go to systemsettings>Appearance>Window and choose deKorator,use "Install Theme files"or "Get new staff" as you like!
I tried extracting it but didn't work so I used another software to extract and it worked.
I just want to ask do I install it? You haven't given any instructions.
Forgot about the instruction..Just go to systemsettings >apperance > window ,choose deKorator and you will get a window like my 3rd screenshot above.
If you had download the theme,use "Install Theme files" or you can use the "get new staff",what ever you like.
For manly install :
First look at your home profix for kde use the command "kde4-config --localprefix".For me,it's ~/.kdemod4.
Then do "mkdir -p ~/.kdemod4/share/apps/deKorator/themes/" and extract the archive into the folder.Change ".kdemod4" to your own prefix.That's it.
Ok I have DEKORATOR installed. Now I do now know how I can install ELEMENTARY. I tried installing with GET NEW THEME but it didn't work. And how can I use the BESPIN CONFIGURATIONS? What is that for?
Strange!I want to know what distribution you are using and which version of KDE SC there.
Make sure you follow the instructions here : as the newest version of deKorator is installed! No EARLIER version will work with this theme!
For bespin,it's a great theme engine for KDE SC 4.x,have a look at here for more infomation:
To use the bespin config ,copy the code I pasted above,save it as "whatever.bespin" and use "import" function in Bespin,which lies on Systemsettings>Apperance>Theme&Style...
I am using Ubuntu 9.10 with Kubuntu-Desktop-Environment installed on it. I have two problems I would like some help on, these are:-
1. Everytime I login the computer always automatically loads gtk windows borders which is annoying, how can I set it to use deKorator Windows Borders on load up.
and 2. In deKorator when I try to install a theme, it just loads then there is no privew for the theme nor any thing that says that the theme was successfully installed so all in all, deKorator is not working. I used KpackageKit to install deKorator aswell as the command sudo apt-get install dekorator
How can i fix these errors?
I'm not using kubuntu and debian,and I don't know how to fix the first issue.Maybe set the default window manager to "kwin" will work? You can do that in systemsettings > default applications(or something similar).Maybe ask in the ubuntuforum will help you to solve that problem.
For the dekorator problem,I think that kubuntu won't have the newest dekorator packed.Maybe search around or ask in the ubuntuforum for the version0.5 of dekorator will help to solve that.
After successfully install a new theme,dekorator will not show any notification while failure will be shown when a theme is not properly installed.All you need to do is to choose another decorator and then choose back deKorator and you will see the preview! Only if you have version 0.5 installed!
I downloaded it and tried to extract the tar file but it kept giving me error. I think it is either your file wasn't compressed properly or my computer not downloaded properly.
Either way please reply, because I downloaded 3 times with problems.
Ratings & Comments
Thank you very much, I was looking exactly for a theme like this :)
I tried extracting it but didn't work so I used another software to extract and it worked. I just want to ask do I install it? You haven't given any instructions.
Forgot about the instruction..Just go to systemsettings >apperance > window ,choose deKorator and you will get a window like my 3rd screenshot above. If you had download the theme,use "Install Theme files" or you can use the "get new staff",what ever you like. For manly install : First look at your home profix for kde use the command "kde4-config --localprefix".For me,it's ~/.kdemod4. Then do "mkdir -p ~/.kdemod4/share/apps/deKorator/themes/" and extract the archive into the folder.Change ".kdemod4" to your own prefix.That's it.
Ok I have DEKORATOR installed. Now I do now know how I can install ELEMENTARY. I tried installing with GET NEW THEME but it didn't work. And how can I use the BESPIN CONFIGURATIONS? What is that for?
Strange!I want to know what distribution you are using and which version of KDE SC there. Make sure you follow the instructions here : as the newest version of deKorator is installed! No EARLIER version will work with this theme! For bespin,it's a great theme engine for KDE SC 4.x,have a look at here for more infomation: To use the bespin config ,copy the code I pasted above,save it as "whatever.bespin" and use "import" function in Bespin,which lies on Systemsettings>Apperance>Theme&Style...
I am using Ubuntu 9.10 with Kubuntu-Desktop-Environment installed on it. I have two problems I would like some help on, these are:- 1. Everytime I login the computer always automatically loads gtk windows borders which is annoying, how can I set it to use deKorator Windows Borders on load up. and 2. In deKorator when I try to install a theme, it just loads then there is no privew for the theme nor any thing that says that the theme was successfully installed so all in all, deKorator is not working. I used KpackageKit to install deKorator aswell as the command sudo apt-get install dekorator How can i fix these errors?
I'm not using kubuntu and debian,and I don't know how to fix the first issue.Maybe set the default window manager to "kwin" will work? You can do that in systemsettings > default applications(or something similar).Maybe ask in the ubuntuforum will help you to solve that problem. For the dekorator problem,I think that kubuntu won't have the newest dekorator packed.Maybe search around or ask in the ubuntuforum for the version0.5 of dekorator will help to solve that. After successfully install a new theme,dekorator will not show any notification while failure will be shown when a theme is not properly installed.All you need to do is to choose another decorator and then choose back deKorator and you will see the preview! Only if you have version 0.5 installed!
I downloaded it and tried to extract the tar file but it kept giving me error. I think it is either your file wasn't compressed properly or my computer not downloaded properly. Either way please reply, because I downloaded 3 times with problems.
would you share your bespin config?
If you like it,here it is: [BespinStyle] StoreName=blucidy ARGB.Blacklist="amarok,dragonplayer,kscreenlocker" ARGB.Glassy=false Bg.Intensity=10 Bg.Modal.Glassy=false Bg.Modal.Invert=false Bg.Modal.Opacity=100 Bg.Mode=0 Bg.RingOverlay=false Bg.Structure=0 Bg.TooltipRole=9 Btn.ActiveRole=12 Btn.AmbientLight=false Btn.BackLightHover=true Btn.BevelEnds=true Btn.CheckType=1 Btn.Cushion=false Btn.DisabledToolStyle=0 Btn.FullHover=false Btn.Gradient=1 Btn.Layer=0 Btn.MinHeight=18 Btn.Role=9 Btn.Round=true Btn.Tool.ActiveRole=12 Btn.Tool.Gradient=1 Btn.Tool.Role=9 Btn.ToolConnected=true Btn.ToolSunken=1 Chooser.Gradient=1 GroupBoxMode=0 Input.PwEchoChar=8782 KWin.ActiveGradient=0 KWin.ActiveRole=10 KWin.ActiveText=0 KWin.InactiveGradient=0 KWin.InactiveRole=10 KWin.InactiveText=0 Menu.ActiveItemSunken=false Menu.ActiveRole=10 Menu.BoldText=false Menu.Glassy=true Menu.ItemGradient=0 Menu.OpacityARGB=200 Menu.Role=0 Menu.Round=true Menu.RoundSelect=true Menu.Shadow=false Menu.ShowIcons=false Progress.Gradient=2 Progress.RoleBg=0 Progress.RoleFg=10 QPalette\active=#353535, #c0c0c0, #f0f0f0, #dcdcdc, #464646, #646464, #404040, #ffffff, #404040, #ffffff, #d7d7d7, #444444, #96cafe, #000000, #4582be, #4273a3, #ffffff, #000000, #ffffff, #404040 QPalette\disabled=#a1a1a1, #b7b7b7, #f0f0f0, #dcdcdc, #464646, #646464, #9f9f9f, #ffffff, #8c8c8c, #f1f1f1, #d7d7d7, #434343, #c0c0c0, #979797, #4582be, #4273a3, #ebebeb, #000000, #ffffff, #404040 QPalette\inactive=#353535, #c0c0c0, #f0f0f0, #dcdcdc, #464646, #646464, #404040, #ffffff, #404040, #ffffff, #d7d7d7, #444444, #96cafe, #000000, #4582be, #4273a3, #ffffff, #000000, #ffffff, #404040 Scroll.ActiveRole=0 Scroll.Gradient=1 Scroll.Groove=1 Scroll.InvertBg=false Scroll.Role=9 Scroll.SlimSlider=true ShadowIntensity=100 ShadowTitlebar=false Tab.ActiveRole=10 Tab.ActiveTabSunken=true Tab.Gradient=0 Tab.Role=10 Uno=true Uno.Gradient=1 Uno.Role=1 Uno.Sunken=false Uno.Title=true Uno.Toolbar=true View.HeaderGradient=2 View.HeaderRole=10 View.ShadeLevel=0 View.ShadeRole=12 View.SortingHeaderGradient=3 View.SortingHeaderRole=10 [Style] Bg.Intensity=10 ShadowIntensity=100 Btn.Role=9 Bg.TooltipRole=9 Uno.Sunken=false Uno.Toolbar=true Uno.Title=true FadeInactive=false Bg.Structure=0 Btn.MinHeight=18 Bg.Modal.Glassy=false Bg.Modal.Invert=false Btn.DisabledToolStyle=0 Btn.Tool.Gradient=1 Btn.Tool.Role=9 Btn.Tool.ActiveRole=12 Btn.Round=true Btn.Cushion=false Btn.ToolConnected=false Btn.ToolSunken=1 Btn.AmbientLight=false Btn.BackLightHover=true Bg.RingOverlay=true Bg.Mode=0 Uno=true Btn.BevelEnds=true Uno.Role=1 Uno.Gradient=1 ShadowTitlebar=false Btn.ActiveRole=12 Btn.FullHover=false Bg.Modal.Opacity=100 GroupBoxMode=0 Btn.Layer=0 Btn.Gradient=1 Btn.CheckType=1 Tab.Gradient=0 Tab.Role=10 Tab.ActiveRole=10 Tab.ActiveTabSunken=true Tab.Transition=10 Tab.Duration=350 Menu.Glassy=true Menu.Role=0 Menu.Round=true Menu.Shadow=false Menu.BoldText=false Menu.ShowIcons=false Menu.OpacityARGB=200 Menu.ItemGradient=0 Menu.ActiveRole=10 Menu.RoundSelect=true Menu.ActiveItemSunken=false View.HeaderGradient=2 View.HeaderRole=10 View.SortingHeaderGradient=3 View.SortingHeaderRole=10 View.ShadeRole=12 View.ShadeLevel=0 Scroll.Gradient=2 Scroll.Role=9 Scroll.ActiveRole=0 Scroll.SlimSlider=true Scroll.Groove=1 Scroll.InvertBg=false Scroll.ShowButtons=false Progress.Gradient=2 Progress.RoleFg=10 Progress.RoleBg=0 Chooser.Gradient=1 Input.PwEchoChar=8782 ShowMnemonic=false MacStyle=true LeftHanded=false DialogButtonLayout=2 KWin.ActiveText=0 KWin.ActiveGradient=0 KWin.ActiveRole=10 KWin.InactiveText=0 KWin.InactiveGradient=0 KWin.InactiveRole=10 Hack.DolphinViews=false Hack.KHTMLView=false Hack.KillThrobber=false Hack.Messages=true Hack.WindowMovement=false Hack.TreeViews=false ARGB.Glassy=false ARGB.Blacklist="amarok,dragonplayer,vlc,vlc-wrapper,kscreenlocker,mplayer" Bg.Opacity=255 [Deco] VerticalTitlebar=false TitleAlign=4 ActiveGradient2=0 TitlePadding=0 ActiveGradient=2 IconVariant=3 InactiveGradient2=0 InactiveGradient=0 InactiveButtons=false SlickButtons=0 MultiButtonOrder=FBSMH SmallTitleClasses= ResizeCorner=false ForceUserColors=false RoundCorners=true TrimmCaption=true Change the "StoreName" to what ever you like.
If you like it,here it is: [BespinStyle] StoreName=blucidy ARGB.Blacklist="amarok,dragonplayer,kscreenlocker" ARGB.Glassy=false Bg.Intensity=10 Bg.Modal.Glassy=false Bg.Modal.Invert=false Bg.Modal.Opacity=100 Bg.Mode=0 Bg.RingOverlay=false Bg.Structure=0 Bg.TooltipRole=9 Btn.ActiveRole=12 Btn.AmbientLight=false Btn.BackLightHover=true Btn.BevelEnds=true Btn.CheckType=1 Btn.Cushion=false Btn.DisabledToolStyle=0 Btn.FullHover=false Btn.Gradient=1 Btn.Layer=0 Btn.MinHeight=18 Btn.Role=9 Btn.Round=true Btn.Tool.ActiveRole=12 Btn.Tool.Gradient=1 Btn.Tool.Role=9 Btn.ToolConnected=true Btn.ToolSunken=1 Chooser.Gradient=1 GroupBoxMode=0 Input.PwEchoChar=8782 KWin.ActiveGradient=0 KWin.ActiveRole=10 KWin.ActiveText=0 KWin.InactiveGradient=0 KWin.InactiveRole=10 KWin.InactiveText=0 Menu.ActiveItemSunken=false Menu.ActiveRole=10 Menu.BoldText=false Menu.Glassy=true Menu.ItemGradient=0 Menu.OpacityARGB=200 Menu.Role=0 Menu.Round=true Menu.RoundSelect=true Menu.Shadow=false Menu.ShowIcons=false Progress.Gradient=2 Progress.RoleBg=0 Progress.RoleFg=10 QPalette\active=#353535, #c0c0c0, #f0f0f0, #dcdcdc, #464646, #646464, #404040, #ffffff, #404040, #ffffff, #d7d7d7, #444444, #96cafe, #000000, #4582be, #4273a3, #ffffff, #000000, #ffffff, #404040 QPalette\disabled=#a1a1a1, #b7b7b7, #f0f0f0, #dcdcdc, #464646, #646464, #9f9f9f, #ffffff, #8c8c8c, #f1f1f1, #d7d7d7, #434343, #c0c0c0, #979797, #4582be, #4273a3, #ebebeb, #000000, #ffffff, #404040 QPalette\inactive=#353535, #c0c0c0, #f0f0f0, #dcdcdc, #464646, #646464, #404040, #ffffff, #404040, #ffffff, #d7d7d7, #444444, #96cafe, #000000, #4582be, #4273a3, #ffffff, #000000, #ffffff, #404040 Scroll.ActiveRole=0 Scroll.Gradient=1 Scroll.Groove=1 Scroll.InvertBg=false Scroll.Role=9 Scroll.SlimSlider=true ShadowIntensity=100 ShadowTitlebar=false Tab.ActiveRole=10 Tab.ActiveTabSunken=true Tab.Gradient=0 Tab.Role=10 Uno=true Uno.Gradient=1 Uno.Role=1 Uno.Sunken=false Uno.Title=true Uno.Toolbar=true View.HeaderGradient=2 View.HeaderRole=10 View.ShadeLevel=0 View.ShadeRole=12 View.SortingHeaderGradient=3 View.SortingHeaderRole=10 [Style] Bg.Intensity=10 ShadowIntensity=100 Btn.Role=9 Bg.TooltipRole=9 Uno.Sunken=false Uno.Toolbar=true Uno.Title=true FadeInactive=false Bg.Structure=0 Btn.MinHeight=18 Bg.Modal.Glassy=false Bg.Modal.Invert=false Btn.DisabledToolStyle=0 Btn.Tool.Gradient=1 Btn.Tool.Role=9 Btn.Tool.ActiveRole=12 Btn.Round=true Btn.Cushion=false Btn.ToolConnected=false Btn.ToolSunken=1 Btn.AmbientLight=false Btn.BackLightHover=true Bg.RingOverlay=true Bg.Mode=0 Uno=true Btn.BevelEnds=true Uno.Role=1 Uno.Gradient=1 ShadowTitlebar=false Btn.ActiveRole=12 Btn.FullHover=false Bg.Modal.Opacity=100 GroupBoxMode=0 Btn.Layer=0 Btn.Gradient=1 Btn.CheckType=1 Tab.Gradient=0 Tab.Role=10 Tab.ActiveRole=10 Tab.ActiveTabSunken=true Tab.Transition=10 Tab.Duration=350 Menu.Glassy=true Menu.Role=0 Menu.Round=true Menu.Shadow=false Menu.BoldText=false Menu.ShowIcons=false Menu.OpacityARGB=200 Menu.ItemGradient=0 Menu.ActiveRole=10 Menu.RoundSelect=true Menu.ActiveItemSunken=false View.HeaderGradient=2 View.HeaderRole=10 View.SortingHeaderGradient=3 View.SortingHeaderRole=10 View.ShadeRole=12 View.ShadeLevel=0 Scroll.Gradient=2 Scroll.Role=9 Scroll.ActiveRole=0 Scroll.SlimSlider=true Scroll.Groove=1 Scroll.InvertBg=false Scroll.ShowButtons=false Progress.Gradient=2 Progress.RoleFg=10 Progress.RoleBg=0 Chooser.Gradient=1 Input.PwEchoChar=8782 ShowMnemonic=false MacStyle=true LeftHanded=false DialogButtonLayout=2 KWin.ActiveText=0 KWin.ActiveGradient=0 KWin.ActiveRole=10 KWin.InactiveText=0 KWin.InactiveGradient=0 KWin.InactiveRole=10 Hack.DolphinViews=false Hack.KHTMLView=false Hack.KillThrobber=false Hack.Messages=true Hack.WindowMovement=false Hack.TreeViews=false ARGB.Glassy=false ARGB.Blacklist="amarok,dragonplayer,vlc,vlc-wrapper,kscreenlocker,mplayer" Bg.Opacity=255 [Deco] VerticalTitlebar=false TitleAlign=4 ActiveGradient2=0 TitlePadding=0 ActiveGradient=2 IconVariant=3 InactiveGradient2=0 InactiveGradient=0 InactiveButtons=false SlickButtons=0 MultiButtonOrder=FBSMH SmallTitleClasses= ResizeCorner=false ForceUserColors=false RoundCorners=true TrimmCaption=true Change the "StoreName" to what ever you like.
I need also your color scheme?
You can find the color scheme here:!?content=122305
thank you so much... dekorator fit well only with your color scheme... now it is perfect!