Before installing this GDM theme you need to have preinstalled the Google Droid fonts. If you don't have them, you can get them here freely http://www.stefanoforenza.com/get-androids-fonts-on-ubuntu-how-to/
And only after that you're free to install the theme.
Hope you'll like it,
Ratings & Comments
When i try installing this theme i get an error saying that it is not a valid theme. Also i tried installing using these instructions http://n00bsonubuntu.com/content/how-change-login-screen-ubuntu-1004-lucid-lynx
Try to extrect the theme to /usr/share/gdm/themes ~ What distro do you have?
Because I like the font! And also because i can download it freely...
Please people, leave some comments...
Ok I leave a comment. This gdm theme looks good. But I don't understand why you want us to download a proprietary font.