Das Mini
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
**NOTE:** not compatible with GDM 2.22+
Uber Minimalist GDM Theme
Pseudo Prompt:
Displays System name
Is an 'Options' Button
All else is self-explanatory
I challenge you all to make a GDM theme more minimal. Last changelog:
Uber Minimalist GDM Theme
Pseudo Prompt:
Displays System name
Is an 'Options' Button
All else is self-explanatory
I challenge you all to make a GDM theme more minimal.
- Gray Background fix (should be black)
1.2 Latest Stable Release
1.1 (Untested)
- Label Text fix (Thanks DnS)
- Directory Renamed Correctly ("DasMini")
Ratings & Comments
how to install?
See the sidebar to the right under "GDM Themes". There are instructions for applying GDM themes.
I do not understand. installed the program, but what to do with the files? I am doing this for the first time. can you explain please. manjaro gnome.
Unfortunately, I've not used Linux as my primary OS for years, so I'm not sure how things have changed or if this GDM theme still works on current distros with newer versions of GNOME (the GDM theme was created 12 years ago).
I'm downloading Manjaro GNOME 21.0 to troubleshoot. I'll get back to you.
Sadly, this greeter is no longer functional as of GDM 2.22, which means that modern GNOME distros can't use it.
Registered just to vote and comment on it, great work!
awesome theme
awesome theme, but my background ends up being grey/gray instead of black.
The theme explicitly sets the background to #000000, which is black. Have you tried adjusting your monitor? Maybe try adjusting your monitor's gamma or brightness settings.
Had the same problem, but had it fixed for me. Just simple open das_mini.xml with a text editor and remove in line 18 alpha="0.5" this should do the trick. Just save and reinstall it. Hope I could help. PS: Nice Theme. I like it. and sorry for my bad english
Just open das_mini.xml located in /usr/share/gdm/themes/Sandbox/ with a text editor and change <text xml:lang="en"> simply into <text> It should work ( well , work for me :) ) This theme roxx, like already said on deviantart ;)
hey... i installed it and received an "error when trying to load sandbox theme". It says: "A label must specify the text atribute" hope you fix it man...
What distribution and/or version of GNOME are you running? There shouldn't be any errors pertaining to a label's text attribute.
I'm Using Gnome 2.24.1 on Ubuntu 8.10.
hey... i installed it and received an "error when trying to load sandbox theme". It says: "A label must specify the text atribute" hope you fix it man...
hey... i installed it and received an "error when trying to load sandbox theme". It says: "A label must specify the text atribute" hope you fix it man...
the thing is... it must look good, that's the point. so, guess i wil try, but in fact, there are some other minimalistic themes around here, just take a look, maybe one of these is more minimalistic than yours... PD:sorry for my bad english! xP