Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
I know you're probably thinking "jeez, im so tired of seeing all this acqua crap!" But I just had to make this change and upload it because someone else might appreciate it.
There is a HOW-TO included for those who are not familiar with the general procedure.
The style (stipple on the windows and transparent menus, etc) is not included and is availible from http://www.mosfet.org/liquid/.
The window decoration I modified from the original "kwinacqua", I only changed the buttons, color of the active title bar, and I curved the bottom window corners (the code of which i borrowed from "kwinacqua_mod").
NOTE: I'm not a C++ programmer, so sorry for the very hackishly done code.
As far as colors I played around until it looked right and uploaded my kcsrc file.
I also uploaded my splash screen which has its own screenshot.
Any suggestions are welcome!
I would love to have feedback Last changelog:
There is a HOW-TO included for those who are not familiar with the general procedure.
The style (stipple on the windows and transparent menus, etc) is not included and is availible from http://www.mosfet.org/liquid/.
The window decoration I modified from the original "kwinacqua", I only changed the buttons, color of the active title bar, and I curved the bottom window corners (the code of which i borrowed from "kwinacqua_mod").
NOTE: I'm not a C++ programmer, so sorry for the very hackishly done code.
As far as colors I played around until it looked right and uploaded my kcsrc file.
I also uploaded my splash screen which has its own screenshot.
Any suggestions are welcome!
I would love to have feedback
0.3 - Changed the titlebar from all white to a very light gray with white borders on top and bottom of the title. (I haven't made a screenshot for this change)
0.2 - Updated the tarball because I forgot the splash screen!
0.1 - First Upload
Ratings & Comments
in my user account (not in my root account) I don't have any kdisplay directory, does I need to create it to perform "Copy 'white-acqua.kcsrc' to '~/.kde/share/apps/kdisplay/color-schemes/ white-acqua.kcsrc'" as indicated in the how to ????
i really like this window decoration, looks perfect with liquid, but i think the active title bar might look good stippled like the inactive one. i might try and figure out the code one of these days to help you out...despite how i barely know c++ either.
Hi, i have a standard Mandrake 9.0 Installation. When i try to run the configure script the following error comes up: checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 2.2.2) (libraries) not found. Please check your installation! For more details about this problem, look at the end of config.log. How can i solve this ? QT3 is installed, and symlinking in /usr/lib doesnt work. I made a ln -s qt3 qt2 and a ln -s qt3 qt. Because of the logfile i thought he wont find the needed resources.. Pls help, because i like to have curved corners... Greetingz aciD
I had the same prob and was able to fix it by: Installing QT3.1.1. Re-link /usr/lib/qt->/usr/lib/qt-3.1.1 When ./configuring, make sure to use the "--enable-mt" argument. And if the configure script still cant find your QT dirs, use the "--with-qt-dirs=/your/qt/root" option for configure. This was my configure command that worked: ./configure -prefix=/opt/kde --enable-mt --with-qt-dir=/usr/lib/qt-3.1.1 Hope this helps. Mike
Hi first of all let me say I'm a complete newbie and up to my neck in water :) I've got mandrake 9.0 installed and so far all is going fine. However i am having some trouble compiling the window decoration. Can someone please tell me where mandrake installs kde? Thanks in advance all
I am having the same problem as stated above...I have MDK9.1...I was curious where you downloaded QT3.1.1 from? I could not find a mdk.i586.rpm for qt3.1.1 and was not sure if it would compile on my system if I downloaded the source. I downloaded a src.rpm and it complained about tons of discrepencies. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks.
I will be able to try, if you can make a .deb file of it, PLEASE. I hate doing Make and downloading the files I need to install it. Thanks
I'm sorry but I don't know how to make a deb package, and from what I hear it's rather involved. Installing from source really isnt difficult, just follow the included HOW-TO.
all right, what is all needed to compile it. Such as Make, and this and that ? I'm a newbie at compiling still. Thanks
just do 'apt-get install make libqt3 libqt3-dev libqt3-mt libqt3-mt-dev' and you should be set for installed programs, then do: tar zxvf white-acqua.tar.gz cd white-acqua/window-decor ./configure --prefix=/usr make su make install and that should do it for the window decoration. The splash screen and color scheme are very easy if you read the HOW-TO. If you get any errors then email me and I can probably help you out since I use Debian too.
mosfet is not responsible for the curved corners. I have not seen a mosfet liquid version that does have curved corners, this is part of my window decoration and part of some other acqua window decorations. I hope this answers your question. Mosfet does not have these. As far as QT I am running version 3.1.1 and it works fine. I am using Debian and from what I see in apt-cache you might try the package equivelents for libqt3, libqt3-dev, libqt3-mt, and libqt3-mt-dev for your distrobution. I hope I have been helpful, but if you need further assistance please email me at baronelk@baronelk.net -Jon
Hi, This is a somewhat general question: I have downloaded and installed mosfet's liquid for KDE3.0.x (not the latest one). I set liquid up in the control centre pages and it seems to work OK. BUT...on many screenshots I see people's windows are now curved at the top instead of 90deg corners. How do I get this effect??? Is this a function of Liquid? What am I missing? My windows adopt the proper colour scheme and look Liquid-ified but no curved corners......grrrrrr Thanks Mike
im not sure if you read what i wrote, or if i just didnt explain it well enough, but I added the curved corners on the window decoration. mosfet has a different window decoration than the one here.
Hi, Sorry abou the confusion. I know that mosfets liquid uses diff window decorations. I was asking this question here because I didn't know who else to ask...(assumed you have good knowledge of mosfets liquid). I just want to know why, after installing mosfets liquid, the corners on my windows arent rounded. Left a comment at the Mosfet's Liquid page but no reply. BTW, I havent been able to get White-Liquid (window-decor) to configure on my machine. It fails when trying to test QT: configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 2.2.2) (libraries) not found. I have QT3.0.4 installed in the standard location (/usr/lib/qt->qt-3.0.4). Any help on this one? Thanks Mike