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Ratings & Comments
to those naysayers who feel this is promoting a "dangerous drug", DON'T INSTALL THIS THEME! Nobody is forcing you to! Marijuana is a lot less dangerous than most over-the-counter drugs. This is not the place to be preaching your personal views. Just tell the contributors if you like it..if you don't DONT INSTALL IT! KDE rocks!!
Thank you dudes. I'm glad to hear that.
Only a junky or idiot is posting an advertisment for such a dangerous drug! should not allow this kind of wallpapers
That's only your opinion. They're not forcing anything on you so if you don't like it, just avoid it. There's always religious art posted on this site and we don't censor that, I say to each their own.
but this wallpaper looks funny, and is `cool` in some special cases :)
so your calling me an idiot and a junkie huh. well weed is less dangerous than alcohol ok. I have a house A job and lead a productive life and iv been smokin weed since I was ten years old, so get your facts strait before you start talking about something you know nothing about. seems to me like your the idiot.
So you are an addict... You can be proud of it. =)