Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
A dark theme inspired by black and white photography.
See the project page for more information and recommendations.
Theme is based on the original work by Papirus Development Team and Alexey Varfolomeev which can be found here. Last changelog:
See the project page for more information and recommendations.
Theme is based on the original work by Papirus Development Team and Alexey Varfolomeev which can be found here.
- Added Plasma 6 compatibility.
- Fixed minor issues with Plasma theme.
- Updated GTK2/3/4 theme. Build from `breeze-gtk` with the Monochrome KDE colour scheme.
- Updated preview images.
Ratings & Comments
10 Excellent theme, it works flawless with plasma 5 and 6. I was looking for a no nonsense theme and this delivers
10 Absolutely amazing theme.
8 I installed this theme because of that gradients, that IMHO looked elegant and different from all the other thousands of flat themes. Sorry to see them removed. I'll just keep the old version.
Don't get me wrong. The new flat version is super nice and tastefully done, bit IMHO it mingles in the midst of all the other flat themes, while the previous version was unique.
No offence taken. I always appreciate constructive criticism, which was the reason why I removed the gradients. Another user reached out to me and asked if gradients could be removed since they were a bit distracting. Now that I know the gradients were appreciated, I will include them as a separate version, i.e. "Monochrome Gradients" or "Monochrome Classic". I will do this when I find some time for it. Thanks!
I guess it's hard to please everyone. :-)
9 9 excellent
Really awesome work! Congrats! I'm setting up this compilation now. ;-) What program produces that info page in Yakuake?
Thank you for the kind words. I have not updated the theme lately, but have plans on implementing a few colour options. Just have to find the time for it :) It is called glances. It is like top written in Python: https://nicolargo.github.io/glances/
VERY EXCITED for new color schemes from
Hi, the theme is great! Can I ask you what font are you using? Thank you and I sorry for my bad english
Thank you! The font in use is San Francisco: https://developer.apple.com/fonts/ You will have to do a search on the web for how to extract the fonts or get them installed on your particular distribution.
9 +
I indicated you at https://github.com/themix-project/oomox/issues/54#issuecomment-466721850, but you are no longer in GitHub and merged to GitLab.
Thank you for the kind words. I would however not consider myself a "guru" :-) Regarding GitHub, I will probably mirror my GitLab repos there to make them more available.
9 + Very Nice!
How do you get the grey folders in Dolphin? I installed this theme and still have blue folders.
The Papirus Development theme have a tool called papirus-folders; https://github.com/PapirusDevelopmentTeam/papirus-folders The tool enables you to easily change folder colors using the command line. See GitHub URL above. Good luck! :)
9 +
This is very cool indeed ! I just love it . . . Have you any idea what GTK 2/3 theme that fit into this ? (for my Geany and Gimp) anyway good work :-)
Thank you! I use Arc Grey (https://www.opendesktop.org/p/1135255/) or Equilux (https://www.opendesktop.org/p/1182169/). None of them are a perfect fit but at least they are dark and look good.